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Boldt v. Boldt

1 byte removed, 12:26, 25 April 2020
Commentary on Boldt v. Boldt: typo
Dougglas Douglas Diekema, a pediatric medical ethicist commented:
The fact that Jimmy's father had sole custody does not eliminate the mother's ethical right and obligation to look after the welfare of her son. While the mother may not have legal decision-making authority, that legal determination does not appear to be related either to a lack of interest in her son's welfare or an inability to carry out that role. Jimmy is her son, and she has an interest in seeing his welfare protected. Whether or not she has legal rights, I would be very reluctant to perform an elective procedure for cultural or religious reasons without the permission of both parents and the unambiguous assent of Jimmy himself. Neither appears to be present in the case as it presented to the courts.<ref name="diekema2009">{{REFjournal

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