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576 bytes added, 03:09, 26 October 2019
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on-therapeutic circumcision of children is offensive to many Canadian minorities. The French-speaking people of Quebec and elsewhere generally do not favor circumcision. Male circumcision is not part of the culture of Inuit, First Nations, and Métis populations (4.3% of the population).
Patel (1966) reported his findings on neonatal circumcision in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Patel reported on the complications experienced in a series of 100 consecutive male infants. He also reported on the incidence of circumcision at Kingston General Hospital in Kingston, Ontario.<ref>{{REFjournal
|title=The problem of routine infant circumcision
|journal= Can Med Assoc J
Canada, like other English-speaking nations formerly circumcised most of its boys, with circumcision rates in the sixty-seventy percent range in the 1960s.<ref>{{REFjournal
Non-therapeutic circumcision of children is offensive to many Canadian minorities. The French-speaking people of Quebec and elsewhere generally do not favor circumcision. Male circumcision is not part of the culture of Inuit, First Nations, and Métis populations (4.3%).N
==Position statements of medical societies.==

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