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8 bytes added, 02:03, 3 August 2021
Aesthetic reasons: Revise text.
=== Aesthetic reasons ===
The visual appearance of the [[penis]] is changed radically after circumcision. In this case, personal taste is decisive whether an intact or a cut circumcised [[penis]] is more appealing. Since a circumcision cannot be undone, it is essential to be fully informed about the risks and possible later complications before embarking on an aesthetically motivated circumcision, to decide whether the appearance will justify such bodily modification.
Since this modification and its possible late effects will be the lifelong burden of the person who undertakes an aesthetically motivated circumcision to suit his personal preferences, a valid decision to proceed can only be made by the person to be circumcised himself, once he has reached the necessary age and level of maturity to make that decision. This should normally be the case when adulthood is reached.

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