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349 bytes added, 13:09, 11 October 2019
Historical background: Improve footnotes
| Author=John Harvey Kellogg
| Source=
| ref=<ref>[ Treatment for Self-abuse and Its Effects], ''Plain Facts for Old and Young'', Burlington, Iowa, F. Segner & Co. (1888) p. 107</ref>
Following the discovery of bacteria as a cause of many diseases – such as tuberculosis – the search began for other illnesses that could be prevented by circumcision.
In the 1920s it was penile cancer<ref>Abraham L. Wolbarst behauptet, die Beschneidung könne dem Peniskrebs vorbeugen. [Is circumcision a prophylactic against penis cancer? ''Cancer '' 1926 Jul;3(4):301-10]</ref>, in the 1940 prostate- and tongue cancer as well as STDs<ref>Eugene H. Hand erklärt, dass die Beschneidung irgendwie gegen Geschlechtskrankheiten und Zungenkrebsschütze. [Circumcision and venereal disease. ''Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology '' 1949 Sep;60(3):341-6]</ref>, in the 1950s it was cervical cancer<ref>Abraham Ravich erfindet den Mythos, die Beschneidung verringere das Risiko von Frauen an Gebärmutterhalskrebs zu erkranken. [ Prophylaxis of cancer of the prostate, penis, and cervix by circumcision]. ''New York State Journal of Medicine '' 1951 Jun;51(12):1519-20</ref>, in the late 1960s it was neuroses<ref>Morris Fishbein fordert die Beschneidung zur Prävention von Nervosität und natürlich auch Masturbation. [Sex hygiene. ''Modern Home Medical Adviser''. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Co: 1969 pp 90, 119]</ref>, in the 1970s bladder- and rectal cancer<ref>Abraham Ravich behauptet, dass die Beschneidung Blasenkrebs und Rektumskrebs vorbeugen würde. [ Viral carcinogenesis in venereally susceptible organs]. ''Cancer '' 1971 Jun;27(6)1493-6]</ref>, nd and in the 1980s UTIs<ref>Thomas E. Wiswell behauptet, eine Beschneidung verringere das Risiko für Harntraktinfektionen. [ Decreased incidence of urinary tract infections in circumcised male infants]. ''Pediatrics '' 1985 May;75(5):901-3]</ref> and AIDS<ref>Aaron J. Fink behauptet, dass die Beschneidung gegen AIDS schütze. [ A possible explanation for heterosexual male infection with AIDS]. ''New England Journal of Medicine '' 1986 Oct 30;31(18):1167]</ref> followed. Retrospectively, circumcision was always advertised as a cure for whatever disease was in the public spotlight at the time.
The sheer mass of studies and publications that were released during those almost 180 years on this topic are the reason that even arguments that have been disproved multiple times, especially regarding infant and child circumcision, tenaciously persist up until today.

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