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Circumcision advocate

16 bytes added, 03:36, 13 November 2021
Circumcision advocate pages on Facebook
:: "Since Facebook does not want to take down Mutilation Watch, a horrible bully page, we have decided to give those folks a taste of their own medicine."
It is striking that the choice of words is often quite aggressive and full of ad hominem attacks, [[intactivists ]] are referred to often as liars, etc. At first glance, groups like ''The Antisemitic Roots of Intactivism'' seem to be important, since intactivists don't tolerate anti-Semitism of course, too. But groups whose names already imply that [[intactivism ]] is fundamentally anti-Semitic disqualify themselves from the outset as being biased.
Most of these pages are run anonymously, while e.g. "[[REAL Circumcision Truths.]]" seems to be a covered advertising page from ''[[mohel ]]'' [[Hayim Leiter]] who does all the contribution.

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