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Circumcision and HIV

76 bytes added, 17:34, 15 June 2022
=== Malaysia ===
According to Malaysian [[AIDS]] Council vice-president Datuk Zaman Khan, more than 70% of the 87,710 [[HIV]]/[[AIDS]] sufferers in the country are Muslims. In Malaysia, most, if not all Muslim men are circumcised, whereas circumcision is uncommon in the non-Muslim community. 60% of the Malaysian population is Muslim, which means that [[HIV]] is spreading in the community where most men are circumcised at an even faster rate, than in the community where most men are intact.<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title= |last= |first= |date= |accessdate=2022-06-15}}></ref>
Interestingly enough, Malaysia is home to the [[TARA KLamp]], a controversial circumcision device being marketed in KwaZulu Natal, Africa in the name of [[HIV]] prevention.

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