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David Smith

4 bytes added, 13:03, 19 July 2022
[[15 Square]] was founded by Dr [[John Warren]] in 1995 as [[NORM-UK]] to help men who had been damaged either physically or psychologically through [[circumcision]] and to promote alternative treatments to circumcision. In 1995 circumcision was a subject that was not discussed and I am pleased that at least it is now a major topic of discussion even amongst religious communities many of whom are questioning the procedure.
During this pandemic, most hospitals in the UK have cancelled non-essential operations which means hopefully that those on the waiting list for circumcision will try alternative non-medical treatments and will be lucky to keep their foreskins. Although the circumcision rate has been dropping in the UK and most men are now left [[intact]], there are still too many circumcisions to treat tight foreskins where alternative treatments are not offered. We offer advice on alternative treatments on our website [] and also support for circumcised men.
It is also a sad fact that many boys do not know the function of the [[foreskin]], sometimes they are unaware that it is supposed to retract. This is because the foreskin is not talked about. Most parents do not discuss it with their sons and they are not taught about it in school. Although girls are taught about the function of their bodies, boys are not. We have been investigation this and it seems that this is because no resources are available for this purpose. For the past few months, we have been working to create a suitable package. In September of this year, schools in the UK will have to include sex and relationship in the curriculum and we hope that our resources will be included in this and we have had a number of promising discussions in this respect.

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