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Female circumcision in America

16 bytes removed, 17:27, 29 December 2020
adjusted REFjournal
* {{REFjournal
|last=Morris |first=Robert Tuttle Morris, M.D. |firstinit=RT
|title=Is evolution trying to do away with the clitoris?
|journal=American Association of OB/GYNs
* {{REFjournal
|last=McFarland |first=T. Scott McFarland, M.D. |firstinit=TS
|title=Circumcision of Girls
|journal=Journal of Orificial Surgery
* {{REFjournal
|last=Dawson |first=Benjamin E. Dawson, A.M., M.D. |firstinit=BE
|title=Circumcision in the Female
|journal=American Journal of Clinical Medicine
* {{REFjournal
|last=Eskridge |first=Belle C. Eskridge, M.D. |firstinit=BC
|title=Why not circumcise the girl as well as the boy?
|journal=Texas State Journal of Medicine
* {{REFjournal
|last=C. F. McDonald, M.D. |firstinit=CF
|title=Circumcision of the Female
|journal=General Practioner
* {{REFjournal
|last=W. G. Rathmann, M.D. |firstinit=WG
|title=Female Circumcision, Indications and a New Technique
|journal=General Practioner
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