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Genital mutilation

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* Small piece of [[skin]]? - If the foreskin is completely removed, the largest part (!) of the penis [[skin ]] is removed.
=== Current situation ===
* '''Incision:''' The foreskin is incised one or more times.
* '''Subincision''' ([[Aborigines]]): The penis is cut so deep on the underside that the [[urethra]] is cut open lengthways (partially or completely). Widespread infections can develop, and it is not uncommon for them to end [[death|fatally]].
* '''Sewing metal bells into the [[skin]]''' ([[India]]): This is said to enable men to better satisfy women.
* '''Sewing bamboo or metal balls (ampallangs) into the glans or penis shaft''' (Indonesia, Corea, Natives of the Philippines): This should stimulate the future partner's [[clitoris]] better.
* '''Skinning the penis''' (Dowayos in Cameroon).<ref name="dowayo"/>
=== Hygienic ===
[[Smegma]] is a white, waxy substance that is found under the [[foreskin]] can form. It consists of natural secretions and flaky [[skin ]] cells. It used to be feared that smegma could be cancerous, but that has been refuted. Good general hygiene and common sense are keys to preventing infection and disease.<ref name="cirp-faq">{{REFweb
|title=Frequently Asked Questions about Infant Circumcision
* Immune system: Specialized cells in the foreskin form substances that fight and kill pathogens. However, research into this function is still in its infancy.
=== Just a little bit of [[skin]]? ===A property of the [[Foreskin | Foreskinforeskin]] is that the [[skin ]] is double-layered and can contract very strongly when the penis is in a flaccid state. In the relaxed state, the foreskin is cut away. Transferred to a grown man, much of the [[skin ]] of the entire erect penis is removed! The penis is THE errogenous zone in a man and with circumcision a considerable area (comparable to the palm of the hand without fingers!) Is cut away. How to determine the area is explained [ here]. This area of [[skin ]] is covered with an unusually high density of nerve cells.
== Aftereffects ==
=== Impairment of sexuality ===
With a circumcision, the [[Foreskin | Foreskinforeskin]], which normally encloses and protects the sensitive glans, the most important erogenous zone in men. Otherwise damp and extremely sensitive, it dries out and covers itself with a new, thin [[skin]]. She becomes less sensitive. In addition to the desensitization of the glans, the sensitive foreskin tissue itself is completely eliminated as a pleasure donor. If the foreskin is removed behind the glans, this corresponds to about a third of the entire [[skin ]] on the penis.
The frenulum (foreskin ligament) is particularly densely covered with nerve endings and is usually damaged or completely removed with the usual forms of circumcision.
In some cases, the combination of these effects leads to some blatant sexual restrictions.<ref name="Intaktiv"/>
For some circumcised men, masturbation is almost only possible with [[AIDS]] (such as lubricant, baby oil or saliva). During sexual intercourse, the penis lacks the natural gliding of its shaft [[skin]], which can make penetration more difficult. Direct rubbing against the vaginal wall can cause vaginal dryness problems.
=== Post-traumatic stress disorder ===
== Extreme types ==
* With the Dowayos [in Cameroon], circumcision is a long drawn-out process. [...] The operation is designed to arouse fear and horror. The boys are stripped down to their [[skin ]] at a ritual crossroads and taken to the grove by the river, where the circumcision takes place. On the way they are jumped at by the cutters, who growl like hunting leopards and threaten them with a knife. The operation is very painful as the penis is peeled off almost in full length. There may be several different circumcisers, each cutting off a piece of the foreskin. The boy is not allowed to scream, but the old men who told me about the festive event admitted that many did. That doesn't matter, as long as the women believed they had acted bravely. The results of such interventions can be studied at the bathing area. When the operated person is still very young, the limb sometimes takes on an almost spherical shape, which may be partly responsible for the very low [[birth rate]] among the Dowayos. Since all are circumcised with the same knife and the risk of infection is correspondingly high, the [[death]] rate is considerable. Boys who died as a result of the operation were said to have been eaten by leopards. Correspondence from French colonial officers shows how distressed they were at the large number of youths allegedly eaten by the leopard - even though leopards were practically extinct in the area.<ref name="dowayo">{{REFweb
|title=Lebensstadien (Entwicklungsländerstudien), 8.3. Zum Beispiel: Knabenbeschneidung bei den Dowayo in Kamerun
|trans-title=Life stages (developing country studies), 8.3. For example: circumcision of boys among the Dowayo in Cameroon
* The removal of the entire [[skin ]] covering the limb, sometimes up to the navel, is very rare, but has been documented in some villages in Yemen.{{REFmissing}}
* In some African and Micronesian peoples, the older men crush a testicle on the younger one.<ref name="FocusWissen"/>
=== In business / science ===
Baby foreskin is a sought-after "raw material" for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. The tissue is extremely reproductive and almost certainly free from pathogens. Injectable collagen, obtained from the foreskins of newborn boys, can reduce the formation of wrinkles in aging [[skin]], can be used for spraying on the lips and for the cosmetic treatment of scars.
An artificial [[skin ]] product is sold worldwide under the name "[[Apligraf]]", which is also obtained from a baby's foreskin and supports the natural healing process of large wounds.
In order to get the coveted raw material by circumcision, American boys are handcuffed with spread arms and legs on a so-called "circumstraint" immediately after birth and often without anesthesia. The doctor then slides a medical instrument under her glued foreskin and peeled it off the glans. The babies cannot move during this ordeal. They scream in despair, some get convulsions. The foreskin is then cut lengthways and removed either with a scalpel or with a special clamp.
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