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Genital mutilation

19 bytes added, 13:31, 30 December 2023
Extreme types: Wikify.
== Extreme types ==
* With the Dowayos [in Cameroon], circumcision is a long drawn-out process. [...] The operation is designed to arouse fear and horror. The boys are stripped down to their [[skin]] at a ritual crossroads and taken to the grove by the river, where the circumcision takes place. On the way they are jumped at by the cutters, who growl like hunting leopards and threaten them with a knife. The operation is very painful as the [[penis ]] is peeled off almost in full length. There may be several different circumcisers, each cutting off a piece of the [[foreskin]]. The boy is not allowed to scream, but the old men who told me about the festive event admitted that many did. That doesn't matter, as long as the women believed they had acted bravely. The results of such interventions can be studied at the bathing area. When the operated person is still very young, the limb sometimes takes on an almost spherical shape, which may be partly responsible for the very low [[birth rate]] among the Dowayos. Since all are circumcised with the same knife and the risk of [[infection ]] is correspondingly high, the [[death]] rate is considerable. Boys who died as a result of the operation were said to have been eaten by leopards. Correspondence from French colonial officers shows how distressed they were at the large number of youths allegedly eaten by the leopard - leopards — even though leopards were practically extinct in the area.<ref name="dowayo">{{REFweb
|title=Lebensstadien (Entwicklungsländerstudien), 8.3. Zum Beispiel: Knabenbeschneidung bei den Dowayo in Kamerun
|trans-title=Life stages (developing country studies), 8.3. For example: circumcision of boys among the Dowayo in Cameroon
* In some African and Micronesian peoples, the older men crush a testicle on the younger one.<ref name="FocusWissen"/>
* The Hijra, a sect in India, appears to have radically amputated the [[penis ]] and testicles. To what extent this is enforced cannot be read from the Wikipedia article: "Although it is very often assumed that Hijra mostly undergo or at least seek ritual castration and penectomy."<ref>{{W|Hijra}} in India</ref>
== Others ==

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