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Hannes Müller

803 bytes added, 14:19, 28 March 2020
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'''Hans Helmut „Hannes“ Müller''' is a German [[intactivist ]] from Berlin. He worked as a lecturer in mathematics and social studies and most recently as a senior physiotherapist with a focus on geriatric early rehabilitation in the hospital. <ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=Answers To Your Questions About Care of the Intact Penis in the Geriatric/Disabled Population |trans-title= |language= |last=Milos |first=Marilyn |author-link= |publisher=NOCIRC |website= |date=2007-09 |accessdate=2019-12-07 |format=PDF |quote=}}</ref> There he was a member of the pain conference and gave advanced training in neurology and pain physiotherapy.
Müller is the author of the critical book on religion "Wurzeln der Gewalt in Bibel und Christentum" ''(Roots of violence in Bible and Christianity)'' (2003), the article "Luther's Witch Talks" in dahlemit 2/2004, "To better perceive the suffering of others! On the Marquardt text by Prof. M. Stöhr: 'On a school trip with Israel', dahlemit³", and a detailed replica to Prof. Stöhr's answer (2005), ending with the following words:
| Text=Die Gefahr, dass wir den Anderen nach selbstgemachten oder übernommenen Bildern wahrnehmen statt nach der Wirklichkeit, und wir damit Gewalt freisetzen, der sind wir alle ausgesetzt. Aber wir können ihr begegnen durch das Gespräch mit dem Anderen, in dem wir dem anderen zuhören, indem wir andere Götter neben unserem zulassen (wir müssen sie ja deshalb nicht übernehmen), indem wir uns nicht durch ein elitäres Denken des Ausgewähltseins, des Erleuchtetseins oder der gepachteten Erfahrung über den anderen erheben.
| | Translation=We are all exposed to the danger that we perceive others as self-made or inherited images instead of reality, and that we release violence. But we can meet this danger by talking to the other, listening to the other by allowing other gods beside ours (while we don't have to take them over), by not rising above the other through an elitist thinking of being chosen, enlightened or having leasedexperience.
| Author=Hannes Müller
== Intaktivism =={{PUB}}Since 2012, the year of the * [Cologne circumcision court judgment]], he supports the distribution of serious information about the topic [[circumcision]] ideally and financially He code/Wurzeln-prepared the protest rally against the circumcision law on December 12, 2012, Christentum-Seitenblick-tibetischen-Buddhismus/dp/3000116230 Wurzeln der Gewalt in Berlin, co-founded the [[intaktivBibel und Christentum. Mit einem Seitenblick auf Wurzeln der Gewalt im Koran und im tibetischen Buddhismus]] Club in 2013 and made an information booth on the anniversary day of December 12, organized a flash mobpaperback, and a performance of the film "[[It´s A Boy!]]". In 2014, he initiated the petition "No infliction of agonizing pain by neonatal [[circumcision]]". He is a member of various [[Intactivists]] groups on Facebook.2003
== Intactivism ==Since 2012, the year of the [[Cologne circumcision court judgment]], he supports the distribution of serious information about the topic [[circumcision]] ideally and financially. He co-prepared the protest rally against the [[German Circumcision Act| circumcision law]] on December 12, 2012, in Berlin, co-founded the [[intaktiv]] Club in 2013 and made an information booth on the anniversary day of December 12, organized a flash mob, and a performance of the film "[[It´s A Boy!]]". In 2014, he initiated the petition "No infliction of agonizing pain by neonatal [[circumcision]]". He is a member of various [[Intactivists]] groups on Facebook. Müller initiated the '''"Bike for Genital IntegrityIntactness" ''' campaign. From 2015 to 2017, he travelled twice by bicycle from Berlin to Cologne, once over nine days (with a trailer) and the next time over seven days, and once from Dortmund to Cologne in three days, to take part at the [[WWDOGA]].
In 2017, he has refuted the myth of [[20,000 nerve endings]] in an extensive Internet research and appealed to all [[intactivists]], not to use exaggerated and scientifically unverified allegations against [[circumcision]] in order to avoid making the intactivists movement vulnerable.
{{LINKS}}* [ Facebook profile] {{REF}} {{DEFAULTSORT:MüllerMueller, Hannes}} [[Category:Person]][[Category:Male]] [[Category:Intactivist]] 
[[de:Hannes Müller]]
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