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Intact Denmark

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'''Intact Denmark - Forening mod omskæring af børn''' ''(Association against circumcision of children)'' (Danmark) supports the [[WWDOGA]]. Chairwoman is [[Lena Nyhus]]. Vice chairman is [[Mikael Aktor]].
In January 2018, Intact Denmark submitted a bill draft to the Danish Parliament to introduce a gender-neutral minimum age of 18 years for non-medically indicated [[circumcision]]. The legislative process has not yet been opened, as the draft will initially go through a public petition on the Danish petition platform<ref></ref>. == External Links Video==<br><center><youtube>JzylQIBjlqw</youtube></center>{{SEEALSO}} * [[Denmark]] {{LINKS}}* {{URLwebsite|https://intactdenmark.wordpress.comdk/ Official Website]|2019-10-25}}* {{URL-FBpage|IntactDenmark|2019-09-16}}* [https{{REFnews |title=Denmark refuses to ban the ritual circumcision of boys |url=http://wwwcphpost.facebook.comdk/?p=118305 |last=W |first=Christian |coauthors= |publisher=Copenhagen Post |website=http:/IntactDenmark/ Facebook page] |date=2020-09-11 |accessdate=2020-09-17 |quote=}} {{REF}}
[[Category:Intactivism organization]]
[[da:{{FULLPAGENAME}}]][[de:Intact Denmark{{FULLPAGENAME}}]]

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