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Intactivist groups

355 bytes added, 15 April
Motivating and educating videos: Add link in SEEALSO section.
Intactivist groups are [[:Category:Intactivist|people]] who work to ensure that every person has a specific right of [[genital autonomy]]. Intactivists are protecting male, female and intersex genitals from parental ignorance, religious zealotry, medical greed and cultural myths. Many intactivists or supporting organizations are concerned not only with information about the [[Circumcision|circumcision]] itself, but also on ways to of [[Restoration|restoration]] of the [[Foreskin|foreskin]].
== Organizations ==
* [[AIGA Inc.]] - [[AIGA Inc.|Australasian Institute for Genital Autonomy]]
* [[Circumcision Info Australia]]
* [[Intact Australia]]
* [[Mothers Against Circumcision]]
=== Canada ===
* [[CIRP]] - [[CIRP|Circumcision Information and Resource Pages]]
* [[Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project (CAN-FAP)]]
* [[Children's Health & Human Rights Partnership]]
=== [[Denmark ]] ===
* [[Intact Denmark]] - Forening mod børneomskæring
* [[Just a Snip]] – against genital mutilation aka circumcision
=== France ===
* [[Brit Shalom l'Alliance sans Souffrance]]
* [[Droit au corps]] - Mouvement contre la circoncision infantile
=== Great Britain ===
* [[CIRP]] - [[CIRP|Circumcision Information and Resource Pages]]
* [[Genital Autonomy]]
* [[Men Do Complain]]
* [[15 Square]]
=== [[Israel ]] ===
* [[Ben Shalem]]
* [[Brimila]]
* [[Protect the Child]]
* [ Circumcision Facts]
* [[|Global Symposium for an Intact Humanity]]
* [httphttps://www.icgireddit.orgcom/ r/Intactivism/ Intactivism]* [ Intactivists: against forced genital cutting]* [[International Coalition for Genital Integrity]]
* [ Jews Against Circumcision]
* [[Regret Moms Speak]]
* [ [Sex As Nature Intended It]]
* [[The Intact Network]]
* [ The Whole Network - Accurate Circumcision Information]
==== English ====
* [[Catholics Against Circumcision]]
* [ Children Are Circumcised Because They Can't Say NO!]
* [[Christians Against Circumcision ~ Jesus Was an Intactivist]]
* [[Circumcision in Africa! STOP the lies!]]
* [ Colorado Task Force Against Circumcision]
* [[Genital Autonomy Society]]
* [ >Global Intactivist Symposium for an Intact Humanity<]
* [ HIS body - HIS choice (Pro-Intact)]
* [[Intact Genitals Are a Human Right]]
* [[Intact Penis - Pene Intacto]]
* [[Intact Pennsylvania]]
* [[Intact Philippines]]
* [[Intact Portland]]
* [[Intact Prince Edward Island]]
* [ CircLeaks]
* [ [CircWatch]]
* [[Australia]]
* [[Canada]]
* [[Denmark]]
* [[Intactivist]]
* [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision]]
* [[Arguments pro circumcision]]

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