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Intactivist groups

220 bytes added, 15 April
Motivating and educating videos: Add link in SEEALSO section.
Intactivist groups are [[:Category:Intactivist|people]] who work to ensure that every person has a specific right of [[genital autonomy]]. Intactivists are protecting male, female and intersex genitals from parental ignorance, religious zealotry, medical greed and cultural myths. Many intactivists or supporting organizations are concerned not only with information about [[Circumcision|circumcision]] itself, but also on ways of [[Restoration|restoration]] of the [[Foreskin|foreskin]].
== Organizations ==
* [[AIGA Inc.]] - [[AIGA Inc.|Australasian Institute for Genital Autonomy]]
* [[Circumcision Info Australia]]
* [[Intact Australia]]
* [[Mothers Against Circumcision]]
* [[Children's Health & Human Rights Partnership]]
=== [[Denmark ]] ===
* [[Intact Denmark]] - Forening mod børneomskæring
* [[Just a Snip]] – against genital mutilation aka circumcision
=== France ===
* [[Brit Shalom l'Alliance sans Souffrance]]
* [[Droit au corps]] - Mouvement contre la circoncision infantile
* [[15 Square]]
=== [[Israel ]] ===
* [[Ben Shalem]]
* [[Brimila]]
* [ Circumcision Facts]
* [[|Global Symposium for an Intact Humanity]]
* [httphttps://www.icgireddit.orgcom/ r/Intactivism/ Intactivism]* [ Intactivists: against forced genital cutting]* [[International Coalition for Genital Integrity]]
* [ Jews Against Circumcision]
* [[Regret Moms Speak]]
* [ Colorado Task Force Against Circumcision]
* [[Genital Autonomy Society]]
* [ >Global Intactivist Symposium for an Intact Humanity<]
* [ HIS body - HIS choice (Pro-Intact)]
* [[Intact Genitals Are a Human Right]]
* [ CircLeaks]
* [ [CircWatch]]
* [[Australia]]
* [[Canada]]
* [[Denmark]]
* [[Intactivist]]
* [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision]]

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