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Ischemia of the glans penis

1 byte removed, 03:33, 21 February 2022
The medical literature has a number of reports of successful treatment of ischemia of the glans penis. But what of the cases in which treatment was not timely instituted and the case progress to necrosis and gangrene of the glans penis.
Ischemia of the glans penis after [[circumcision]] is not an act of God. It is an [[iatrogenic]] occurrence that happens when medical personnel intentionally sever blood vessels in the [[penis]] and reduced reduce the blood circulation into and through the glans penis.
A surgical operation which severs blood vessels and destroys circulation cannot be viewed as other than harmful. The first rule of medical ethics is ''premum non-nocere''. First do no harm. The typical infant circumcision is a non-therapeutic amputation that harms without providing a benefit such as prevention or treatment of disease.

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