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Jim Bigelow

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[[File:Jim_Bigelow.jpg|thumb|right|Jim Bigelow, author of "The Joy of Uncircumcising" at the NOHARMM Protest of the California Medical Association, 12 July 12, 1993]]{{FromIntactWiki|Title=Jim Bigelow|URL=}} '''Jim Bigelow''', Ph.D. {{PhD}}, ({{LifeData |death=2019-12-04}})<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Longtime Activist and Author Jim Bigelow Passes Away
}}</ref> , [[intactivist]], is the author of [[The Joy of Uncircumcising]], one of the first books on the topic of [[foreskin restoration]]. Bigelow revised and updated duplicated material from [[BUFF]]'s sheets in 1990; he established the UNCircumcising Information and Resources Centers ([[UNCIRC]]) in California in 1991, and wrote his book ''The Joy of Uncircumcising!'' in 1992. Since then the book has been reviewed in ''JAMA'' (The Journal of the American Medical Association), ''Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery'', and various men's movement publications such as ''Journeyman'' and ''Mentor''.
In June 1994, Jim Bigelow decided to incorporate UNCIRC under [[NORM]].
Jim Bigelow has led a diverse professional life as a professor, therapist, clergyman and author. He earned his doctorate in psychology at [ Claremont Graduate School] and served as a Professor of Psychology at [ Whittier College]. He has also lectured abroad extensively and pastored several Evangelical churches. He is was the father of two grown children and lived with his wife in California.
|author-link=Jim Bigelow
|title=The Joy of Uncircumcising!: Exploring Circumcision: History, Myths, Psychology, Restoration, Sexual Pleasure, and Human Rights
|init=J |author-link=Jim Bigelow
|title=Uncircumcising: undoing the effects of an ancient practice in a modern world
|issue=Summer 1994
|pages= 56-61
{{SEEALSO}}* [[United States of America]]
* [ Health: They took my foreskin and I want it back], The Independent, Cherrill Hicks, 1993-08-03
* http
{{DEFAULTSORT:Bigelow, Jim}}

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