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Laws for minor interventions

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wikify Informed consent
{{Template:Construction Site}}There are several laws for minor interventions, compared to [[HGM|genital mutilation of minors]], which show the [[Double Standard|double standards]] in many countries on behalf of protecting children.
== Spanking ==
In many countries, spanking children as education measure was common until recently. More and more countries now forbid violence against children by law.
There are several laws for minor interventions=== Germany ===In 2000, Germany finally forbid violence against children as a parental right. See § 1631 BGB. === Sweden ===Already in 1979, compared Sweden became one of the first nations to genital mutilation forbid spanking children by law.<ref></ref> == [[Body piercing]] ==In many countries, piercing of minorsis not allowed by law. Here is a list of some countries (to be continued): === Germany ===Minors from 7 to 17 years are allowed to do business and contracts in the appropriation of their pocket money without consent of their parents, which show as German Civil Code states in section 110 (so-called pocket money paragraph). This is also true for body piercings and tattoos if the double child is capable of discernment.<ref></ref> === UK ===There are basic standards in many countries on behalf that apply across Britain. The law prohibits piercing the genitals of anyone under 16, the age of sexual consent, or the nipples of a girl under 16. In England, there is no age limit for piercing tongues, boys’ nipples or less intimate body parts. In Scotland, any piercings, even of protecting childrenearlobes, require parental approval before age 16.<ref></ref> {| class="wikitable"!Area!Genitals!Nipples (female)!Tongue!Nipples (male)!Other body parts|- style="text-align:center;"| style="text-align:left;" |Britain|16|16|16|16|16|- style="text-align:center;"| style="text-align:left;" |England|16|16|0|0|0|- style="text-align:center;"| style="text-align:left;" |Scotland|16|16|16|16|16|- style="text-align:center;"| style="text-align:left;" |Wales|18|18|18|18|18|}
== Piercing ==
In many countries, minors are not allowed to be pierced. Here is a list of some countries:
=== USA ===
<!-- !rowspan="2"|Description -->
|Written, [[informed consent ]] from parent / legal guardian
|Presence of parent or guardian during piercing
|Additional obligations
<!-- |Anyone under the age of 18 must have prior written, [[informed consent ]] from their parent or legal guardian to get pierced. -->
|misdemeanor offense
|fine of up to $500; 2nd offence within a year of the first one, they may be fined another $500 to $1,000
<!-- |No one under the age of 14 can get any piercing other than an earlobe piercing in Idaho, even with parental consent. Those between the ages of 14 and 18 can be pierced if a parent or legal guardian provides written [[informed consent ]] in the presence of the person performing the piercing or an employee or agent of the piercer. The law excludes earlobe piercings and piercing for medical purposes. Violation of this law is considered a misdemeanor offense accompanied by a fine of up to $500. If a piercer has a secondary offense within a year of their first one, they may be fined another $500 to $1,000. -->
<!-- |Piercers must have witnessed written parental consent to pierce a minor, meaning that a parent or legal guardian must accompany their child to the shop where they want to get pierced and sign an [[informed consent ]] form on site. Violations are considered a misdemeanor. -->
|18|X|X|Piercers have to save written consent forms for at least 5 years.|unprofessional conduct|??may jeopardize a piercer's license to practice
<!-- |A parent or guardian must provide written consent in person for a child in their care to get a body piercing, and they must be present for the procedure. Piercers have to save written consent forms for at least 5 years. Although there are no criminal penalties for violating this rule, it's considered unprofessional conduct--a label that may jeopardize a piercer's license to practice. -->
|18|X|X (in Clark County)|state- or school-issued picture identification must be provided both by the child and their guardian, and that a photocopy of the IDs must be kept on file with all related paperwork, which should include a signed release form
|New Hampshire
|18|X|X|Shops must maintain records of piercing minors for 7 years.
<!-- |A parent or guardian must accompany any child under the age of 18 when they get a piercing. They have to provide evidence that they are the child's parent or legal guardian, sign a document providing [[informed consent]], and stay during the piercing procedure. Shops must maintain records of piercing minors for 7 years. -->
|New Jersey
|||"disorderly persons offense"
<!-- |It's considered a "disorderly persons offense" for a piercing artist to pierce a minor without prior written permission from a parent or legal guardian in the state of New Jersey. -->
|New Mexico
|X (e.g. Albuquerque City, hand-written and notarized; except ear piercing)
|X if no written and notarized consent has been hand-delivered
<!-- |Although New Mexico is an unregulated state when it comes to body modification, specific areas have set rules regarding piercing minors. For instance, Albuquerque City Ordinance Chapter 11, Article 5 requires a parent or legal guardian's written consent before a minor in their care can be pierced. (Ear piercing is excluded from this rule.) As long as the parent or guardian has hand-delivered written and notarized consent for their child to get a specific type of piercing, they do not have to be present during the procedure. If they do stay during the procedure, the written consent does not have to be notarized. -->
|New York
|18|X|X|Shops must keep consent forms on file for a minimum of 12 months.
|North Carolina
|18 (except earlobes)|X
|North Dakota
||||misdemeanor to sell tattoo or piercing equipment to a minor
<!-- |A parent or guardian must provide written consent and be present in order for their child to be pierced in North Dakota. It's also worth noting that it's a misdemeanor to sell tattoo or piercing equipment to a minor in the state of North Dakota. -->
<!-- |It's illegal to perform any body piercing (ear piercings included) on a minor in Ohio without the consent of the minor's parent or legal custodian. The consenting adult must accompany their child to the piercing establishment and sign a document providing [[informed consent ]] before the child can be legally pierced. -->
|misdemeanor ||||??up to 90 days of imprisonment, a fine of up to $5,000, or both
<!-- |No minor may be pierced in Oklahoma without a parent or legal guardian providing written consent and staying for the piercing procedure. Violating this rule is deemed a misdemeanor offense that is punishable by up to 90 days of imprisonment, a fine of up to $5,000, or both. -->
||||??If a facility fails to obtain a consent form prior to piercing a minor, though, they are violating state law and subject to disciplinary action.
<!-- |A parent or legal guardian must present a current government-issued photo ID and sign a consent form before a child under 18 who's in their care may be pierced in Oregon. However, the piercing establishment is not required to verify the authenticity of the person signing the consent form. If a facility fails to obtain a consent form prior to piercing a minor, though, they are violating state law and subject to disciplinary action. -->
|3rd degree misdemeanor||||??fine of $100, imprisonment for up to 3 years, or both.
<!-- |A parent or guardian must accompany a child under age 18 who wishes to get a body piercing in Pennsylvania, and they must provide written consent for the procedure in person. It's a 3rd degree misdemeanor to pierce a minor without proper parental consent and presence in Pennsylvania. Doing so may result in a fine of $100, imprisonment for up to 3 years, or both. -->
|Rhode Island
|South Carolina
|18|not approvable|not approvable
|South Dakota
|X (required in many shops)
|||no state-wide regulations
<!-- |There are no state-wide regulations regarding piercing minors in South Dakota at this time, but some municipalities have set their own rules. Many shops voluntarily choose to follow the standard practice of requiring a parent or guardian to provide written consent in person before a child under the age of 18 may be pierced. -->
|They must also present proof of age, provide proof of guardianship or custody, and attest in writing that they are the minor's legal caretaker.
|Class C misdemeanor
|imprisonment for up to 30 days or a fine of up to $50.
<!-- |Minors may be pierced if a parent or legal guardian accompanies them to the piercing establishment and signs a document explaining the procedure and proper aftercare. They must also present proof of age, provide proof of guardianship or custody, and attest in writing that they are the minor's legal caretaker. Piercing a minor whose legal caretaker hasn't taken all these measures is a Class C misdemeanor that may result in imprisonment for up to 30 days or a fine of up to $50. -->
|The legal caretaker must provide evidence of their parental or guardian status and their consent must specify the part of the body to be pierced.
<!-- |A parent, managing conservator or legal guardian must physically accompany a child under the age of 18 to get a body piercing in Texas. The legal caretaker must provide evidence of their parental or guardian status and their consent must specify the part of the body to be pierced. -->
|A piercer has to assign a personal ID number to a client and follow all proper protocol before piercing someone s/he did not know was a minor.
|Class B misdemeanor
|civil penalty of $1,000 for each violation
<!-- |Any piercing artist who agrees to pierce a minor must have the consent of the minor's parent or legal guardian in Utah. It's a Class B misdemeanor to knowingly pierce a minor without proper consent. The owner or operator of an establishment where a minor has been unlawfully pierced is subject to a civil penalty of $1,000 for each violation. A piercer will only be found guilty of violating this rule if s/he did not assign a personal ID number to a client and follow all proper protocol before piercing someone s/he did not know was a minor. -->
|X (most shops)
|X (most shops)
|no state-wide regulations, seen as "unprofessional conduct"
<!-- |Minors may be pierced if Vermont law states that it's unprofessional conduct to tattoo or pierce a parent minor "in violation of the provisions of section 4102 of this title", but section 4102 only states that parental or legal guardian accompanies them consent is required for an individual under the age of 18 to the get tattooed. Therefore, there do not seem to be any state-wide regulations regarding piercing establishment and signs a document explaining the procedure and proper aftercareminors in Vermont. They must also present proof of ageHowever, provide proof of guardianship most piercing shops in Vermont have policies requiring parental or custody, guardian consent and attest in writing that they are presence at the minor's legal caretaker. Piercing time a minor whose legal caretaker hasn't taken all these measures is a Class C misdemeanor that may result in imprisonment for up to 30 days or a fine of up to $50pierced. -->
|TexasVirginia|18 (except ear piercings and piercings under the supervision of a medical doctor, registered nurse, or other medical personnel)
|Class 1 misdemeanor
<!-- |A parent or guardian must be present for their minor child to get a body piercing in Virginia. Exceptions include ear piercings and piercings performed under the supervision of a medical doctor, registered nurse, or other medical personnel. Virginia considers it a Class 1 misdemeanor to violate this rule. -->
|18 (for tattoos)
|X (most shops)
|X (most shops)
|no rules
<!-- |Washington state law mandates that no one under the age of 18 may be tattooed, but there do not seem to be any rules regarding piercing. There's been much debate about this among legislators, but no new laws have been implemented. However, most body piercing professionals in Washington will not serve clients younger than 18 without parental supervision. Some shops even require that the attending parent or guardian provide proof of identification and legal custody. -->
|West Virginia
|18 (for tattoos)
|X (most shops)
<!-- |A West Virginia law currently only requires parental or guardian consent before a minor can be tattooed. There are no rules regarding piercing minors, but professional piercers tend to follow the common protocol of requiring consent by a parent, managing conservator or legal guardian must physically accompany before piercing a child minor. -->|-|Wisconsin|16-17|X|X|Piercing establishments are required to clearly post that it's illegal to pierce anyone under the age of 18 to get without a body parent or guardian's informed written consent. Shops must maintain consent forms for 2 years after piercing anyone.|see: Wisconsin Administrative Code|??<!-- |Wisconsin Administrative Code dictates that no one under the age of 16 may be pierced, and that those ages 16-17 can only be pierced if a parent or legal guardian signs an [[informed consent]] form in Texasthe presence of the piercer or shop operator. The legal caretaker must provide evidence Piercing establishments are required to clearly post that it's illegal to pierce anyone under the age of their parental 18 without a parent or guardian status 's informed written consent. Shops must maintain consent forms for 2 years after piercing anyone. -->|-|Wyoming|18|X|X|Piercers must verify patrons' ages by examining proper identification.|misdemeanor |imprisonment for up to 6 months and their /or a fine of up to $750<!-- |No one may pierce a minor in Wyoming without consent of the minor's parent or legal guardian, who must specify be present at the time the part procedure is performed. Piercers must verify patrons' ages by examining proper identification. It's a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for up to 6 months and/or a fine of up to $750 to pierce a minor without proper consent and parental presence during the body to be piercedpiercing procedure. -->|} ==Tattoos== ===Europe===There is no special European law which defines age limits for tattoos on minors. Various European countries have different or even no regulations. {| class="wikitable"!Country!With parent's consent!Without parent's consent!Law since!Special remarks
<!-- |Any piercing artist who agrees to pierce a minor must have the consent of the minor's parent or legal guardian in Utah. It's a Class B misdemeanor to knowingly pierce a minor without proper consent. The owner or operator of an establishment where a minor has been unlawfully pierced is subject to a civil penalty of $1,000 for each violation. A piercer will only be found guilty of violating this rule if s/he did not assign a personal ID number to a client and follow all proper protocol before piercing someone s/he did not know was a minor. -->
|Czech Republic
|no regulation found
|Tattoos forbidden on head, neck, hands
|no regulation found
<!-- |Vermont law states that it's unprofessional conduct to tattoo or pierce a minor "in violation of the provisions of section 4102 of this title", but section 4102 only states that parental or guardian consent is required for an individual under the age of 18 to get tattooed. Therefore, there do not seem to be any state-wide regulations regarding piercing minors in Vermont. However, most piercing shops in Vermont have policies requiring parental or guardian consent and presence at the time a minor is pierced. -->
|does not apply for permanent make-up
<!-- |A parent or guardian must be present for their minor child to get a body piercing in Virginia. Exceptions include ear piercings and piercings performed under the supervision of a medical doctor, registered nurse, or other medical personnel. Virginia considers it a Class 1 misdemeanor to violate this rule. -->??||no regulation found
|(many shops)
<!-- |Washington state law mandates that no one under the age of 18 may be tattooed, but there do not seem to be any rules regarding piercing. There's been much debate about this among legislators, but |no new laws have been implemented. However, most body piercing professionals in Washington will not serve clients younger than 18 without parental supervision. Some shops even require that the attending parent or guardian provide proof of identification and legal custody. -->regulation found
|West VirginiaLithuania|??|??
|no regulation found
|no regulation found
|Tattoo shop has to keep signed consent for 10 years.
<!-- |West Virginia law currently only requires parental or guardian consent before a minor can be tattooed. There are no rules regarding piercing minors, but professional piercers tend to follow the common protocol of requiring consent by a parent or legal guardian before piercing a minor. -->|
|no regulation found
<!-- |Wisconsin Administrative Code dictates that |no one under the age of 16 may be pierced, and that those ages 16-17 can only be pierced if a parent or legal guardian signs an informed consent form in the presence of the piercer or shop operator. Piercing establishments are required to clearly post that it's illegal to pierce anyone under the age of 18 without a parent or guardian's informed written consent. Shops must maintain consent forms for 2 years after piercing anyone. -->regulation found
|-|UK|??18|18<!-- |No one may pierce a minor in Wyoming without consent of the minor's parent or legal guardian, who must be present at the time the procedure is performed. Piercers must verify patrons' ages by examining proper identification. It's a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for up to 6 months and/or a fine of up to $750 to pierce a minor without proper consent and parental presence during the piercing procedure. 1969-05->16
==References==<references />{{REF}}
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