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Matthias Becker

65 bytes added, 02:45, 20 June 2022
This day is also of particular importance for the LAG Boys* and Men* Work in Bavaria, since female genital mutilation in girls and women and boy circumcision represent a clear, intolerable violation of [[human rights]] and it is our responsibility to make everyone aware of this and fight against it.
[[Circumcision ]] of male children without medical indication is to be condemned as physical injury. There are a large number of boys and men who suffer from the physical and [[Psychological_issues_of_male_circumcision| psychological consequences ]] of circumcision as a child. We therefore demand equal protection of all children, regardless of gender, against non-therapeutic genital surgery. Gender equality and child protection are visible here as very individual and multi-layered challenges in different continents and cultures.
As LAG Boys* and Men* Work in Bavaria, we stand for an open exchange and dialogue in order to develop ways to implement protection for boys. Public research and education is needed on the consequences of non-therapeutic genital surgery on children in their different forms and social contexts.

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