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Michael Ingber

32 bytes added, 25 March
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* 1963-1967 Studied philosophy and history at {{UNI|Columbia University|CUNY}}, New York
* 1967-1969 Participation in the Advanced Studies Program, {{UNI|Hebrew University|HUJI}}, Jerusalem ([[Israel]])
* 1969-1985 Acceptance of Israeli [[Israel]]i citizenship, convening in the Israeli [[Israel]]i army, 15 years service as a career officer to the rank Major
* 1986-1997 Worked as a tour guide in [[Israel]]-Palestine for German-language study groups as well as the coordinator for various charities in the area of ​​social and educational work
* since 1996, engaged in peace activities of the [[Israel]]-Palestine conflict
* 1997-2001 Coordinator and museum educator at the [[Israel ]] Museum, Jerusalem ([[Israel]])
* Since 2001, residing in Austria, a lecturer at universities in {{UNI|Marburg|PUM}} and {{UNI|Passau|UP}}, Freelance Project Manager at student forums at the Academy for Political Education Tutzing and Education Officer in the Education of Adults (emphasis Political Science / Palestine Conflict, Conflict and Peace Research, Human Rights, Interreligious Affairs)
The ''Humanistische Pressedienst'' ''(Humanist Press Service)'' describes him as:
"The historian, political scientist and Judaic scholar is — coming from a Jewish family and himself circumcised — gets to minors in the context of the circumcision debate for the rejection of [[circumcision]]. Ingber, who lived about 35 years in [[Israel ]] and Palestine, belongs to the Jewish community; he knows [[circumcision]]s, he knows the Jewish tradition, the arguments of the tradition keepers and reform lines in Jewish history, he therefore knows (as opposed to circumcision advocates in German politics) exactly what he's talking about.
Michael Ingber has six grandsons, four of which are [[circumcised]], but two - because of the decision of Ingber, his daughter and her husband - are not. When this daughter's first son was not circumcised, Ingber was still of the opinion that how should a boy be a Jew when he was not circumcised; on the second grandson he could agree with his daughter fully, when she rejected [[circumcision]] after realizing: ''"How could I do this to my child as mother?"''
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