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Seth Kalichman

13 bytes added, 23:15, 1 November 2022
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As a Jew and as a psychologist, Kalichman should be aware of the psychological issues that drive [[circumcised ]] men to produce such works as Genesis 17 and the three African randomized controlled trials (RCTs).
== Quotes ==
The following is a bizarre response from Kalichman--most likely sarcasm, yet never the less disturbing--which could demonstrate a mental instability, or (minimally) at least a sign of unnerved breakdown.{{citation needed}}
|Title=Downplaying Inherent Bias? Or Instability.
|Text=I am biased in my interpretation of 20 years of epidemiological research and three randomized controlled trials because I am Jewish. It is the medical establishment, run by Jews, that is conspiring to promote male circumcision for [[HIV]] prevention. It is no coincidence that the leading circumcision researcher is named Moses. Yes, I want every male child [[circumcised ]] because that will make them Jews and we can take over the world, not just the Liberal Media and banks. Now that I am talking Crazy, do you understand me better?
|Author=Kalichman, S.
|ref=<ref>[ (2011, January 30). ''Deadly ignorance.''] Archive]</ref>
== Population-based studies ==
{{Population-based studies}}

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