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Re B and G (children) (No 2) EWFC 3

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Male circumcision or MGM: Add text.
Judge Mumby commented on observed that the British ''Children Act 1989'' requires that a finding of "significant harm" must be found before a court can issue may intervene by issuing a care or supervision order.<ref name="bangham2015" />
Judge Mumby concluded with a finding that male circumcision does in fact constitute significant harm:
[69] Mr Hayes points to the recognition, both by Wall J, as he then was, and by the Court of Appeal in Re J ''(Specific Issue Orders: Muslim Upbringing and Circumcision)'' [1999] 2 FLR 678, 693, on appeal Re J ''(Specific Issue Orders: Child’s Religious Upbringing and Circumcision)'' [2000] 1 FLR 571, 573, 576, that male circumcision does involve harm, or the risk of harm. Given the comparison between what is involved in male circumcision and FGM WHO Type IV, to dispute that the more invasive procedure involves the significant harm involved in the less invasive procedure would seem almost irrational. '''In my judgment, if FGM Type IV amounts to significant harm, as in my judgment it does, then the same must be so of male circumcision.''' (Emphasis added.)<ref name="bangham2015" />
In reaching his conclusion, Judge Mumby cited two published papers:
* {{REFjournal
|first=Christopher p
|author-link=Christoper P. Price
|title=Male Circumcision: An ethical and legal affront
|journal=Bulletin of Medical Ethics
* {{REFjournal
|title=Female genital mutilation (FGM) and male circumcision: Should there be a separate ethical discourse?
|journal=Practical Ethics
|location=University of Oxford
|title=Bodily Integrity, Embodiment and the Regulation of Parental Choice

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