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Éric Fernanché Lévy

6 bytes added, 25 March
wikify Israel
That's what we're trying to avoid. The child could then have these symptoms, rooted in his nervous system, in all his systems, and become an adult with symptoms of behavioural disorders, sexual disorders, perhaps premature ejaculation, perhaps impotence, perhaps behavioural disorders, perhaps apathy, perhaps irritability, there are many possible and imaginable symptoms. Maybe he'll be scattered, someone who's dissociated, maybe he'll get too attached to details, maybe he'll be too compulsive, too obsessive, there are a lot of possible symptoms that can result from this difficult surgery. It's not only that, it can be a constitutive base, life is long, there are many things that can happen in the meantime. In the meantime it can be a physiological basis on which one can develop some of the symptoms.
What we can do: The precautionary principle requires that, instead of performing a [[Brit Milah]] (a ritual circumcision) under these conditions, on the contrary, a [[Brit Shalom]], since it already exists everywhere in the world, in the [[United States]], in [[Israel]], in Germany, even in France (where we are at the 4th or 5th Brit Shalom). Instead of making a Brit milah we can offer families a [[Brit Shalom| brit shalom]] which is an empathic ritual of welcome, without cutting and without suffering.
It must also be said that in our association we are not there to judge, to criticize, to say they are not doing right and that it is horrible, that they are barbarians, not at all. You have to be compassionate. These are age-old habits that don't change like that. We're just proposing alternative ways of welcoming ritual and we're not at all in the judgment of the Jewish community. People are free, according to the information they have, to choose this or that ritual. That's it, it's quite simple, we try to remain compassionate and empathetic to all communities, whatever ritual they end up choosing.
* [[Pain]]
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