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Thirteenth International Symposium

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* First, do no harm: A dialogue on power, privilege, and good intentions<br>
::''Opeyemi Parham'' & ''M. Thomas Fredericksen''<br>
===Friday, 25 July 2014===
Registration – tea & coffee0900 - 0905 We l c o m e0905 - 0930 For their own good: The insidious nature of religious child maltreatmen − Janet Heimlich0930 - 0955 Altered hearts: Circumcision and Christian responsibility − Chelsea Collonge0955 - 1020 Non-circumcising families in the Jewish community − Lisa Braver Moss1020 - 1050 Break1050 - 1115 An unlikely activist’s journey Beyond the Bris – Rebecca Wald1115 - 1140 Celebrating Brit Shalom − Rebecca Wald and Lisa Braver Moss1140 - 1205 Talking about genital modification: A linguistic approach − Harald Winterling1205 - 1230 Whose political correctness? Changing language, viewpoints, and tactics in today’s intactivistmovement – Georganne Chapin1230 - 1345 Lunch1345 - 1410 Media-friendly messaging − Glen Callender1410 - 1435 Moving through regret: A blogging journey − Jennifer Anderson1435 - 1505 Brain states of experience, brain states of change − Annie BrookPain in hiding: Introduction to evening session − Riun Ashlie1505 - 1535 Break1535 - 1600 Circumcision of infants and children: Short-term trauma and long-term psychosexual harm – Gregory Boyle1600 - 1625 The whole person: Genital cutting, emotional life, and being human − Elwyn Moir1625 - 1650 How to help? Training and counseling in Finland − Tiina Vilponen1650 - 1715 Unconscious cruelty: Exploring the emotions behind genital cutting − Richard Schwartzman1715 - 1730 Question & Answer Session1730 - 1930 Dinner on your own1930 - 2130 Evening sessions (Optional)Experiential WorkshopsFor men: Revealing the wound, restoring dignity − Riun Ashlie − or −For all: I am sorry, my beautiful child − Rue Hass

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