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Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy

No change in size, 15:36, 4 May 2021
moved list of speakers upwards
== Accompanying Events ==
* Due to the Corona crisis, only online events and publications have been done.<ref name="MOGiS_YT_2020"/><ref>{{REFweb
|title=Internet-Protest gegen Genitalverstümmelung an Kindern
|trans-title=Internet protest against genital mutilation on children
* Germany
** Kick-off event of the one-year awareness campaign "My body - intact and self-determined", Berlin.<ref>[ "It can not be early enough to look after child protection!"], [[HPD]]</ref>
* Israel
** Israeli intact activists demonstrate against children against [[MGM]].
* Kenya
** First demo of Kenyan Intactivists at the Okalo Market in Matunga, Kakamega County.
* Norway
** Event "Bodily integrity and genital autonomy" in Turku, organized by ''JÅ - Intresseföreningen för jämställdhet vid ÅA''.
** San Francisco: Demo and Jonathon Conte Memorial Luncheon, organized by [[Genital Autonomy America]].
** US Heartland: 16-day demo in various American cities, organized by [[Bloodstained Men]] & Their Friends.
* Germany
** On the occasion of this year's main topic "[[FGM|Female genital mutilation]] in Asia", [[TERRE DES FEMMES]] held a panel discussion on the 6th of May in the Old Firestation in Cologne.
* Israel
** Israelic intactivists celebrated a "Conciousness Day Circumcision" for the first time on this day.
** San Francisco: The [[Bay Area Intactivists]] demonstrated near the Ferry Building.
* Germany
** The WWDOGA in Germany was introduced by a press conference in Berlin on May 4th, and closed by a symposium ''Jungenbeschneidung in Deutschland - eine Bestandsaufnahme'' (Circumcision on boys in Germany - an inventory) at the university Düsseldorf on May 8th.
** Denver: [[Intactivists]] demonstrated between California and Stout Street.
** Los Angeles: [[NOCIRC|Genital Autonomy - America]] hosted films and discussions of the common ground surrounding non-therapeutic genital cutting of male, female, and intersex children.
** San Diego: [[Intactivists]] demonstrated in front of the [[ACOG]] and informed the doctors about the harmful consequences of [[RIC]].
** San Francisco: The [[Bay Area Intactivists]] demonstrated in the streets.
* Australia
** Sydney: [[Intactivists]] from [[AIGA Inc.]] demonstrated in William Street.
* Germany
** The WWDOGA in Germany was accompanied by four in film and discussion events, where the films ''Circumcision'' by [[Ari Libsker]], ''Hibos Lied - Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung und die Macht der Tradition'' by [[Renate Bernhard]] and Sigrid Dethlof, and the animated short film ''Hermes und Aphrodite'' by Gregor Zootsky were shown in Munich, Düsseldorf, Cologne, and Berlin.<ref></ref>
* UK
** London: [[Intactivists]] from London demonstrated in the city with banners and info sheets.
** Cathedral City (California): On two days, films around the topic of circumcision were shown and discussed.
** Charleston (WV): On the WWDOGA, the 3rd day of the ''Mid-Atlantic, White House & Ob-Gyn Circumcision Crisis Protests'' took place.
** Denver: [[Intactivists]] demonstrated between California and Stout Street.
** New York: [[Intactivists]] demonstrated peacefully against circmcision of children at the Union Square.<ref></ref>
** San Francisco: The [[Bay Area Intactivists]] demonstrated in the streets.<ref></ref>
In Germany, the WWDOGA was followed by a "Genital Autonomy" conference in the ''Haus der Jugend'' (Youth Hostel) in Frankfurt/Main.
In Germany, a Scientific Symposium took place one day earlier in Cologne, being organized by [[MOGiS e.V.]] and [[pro familia]] NRW.
== List of Speakers at the WWDOGA in Cologne ==
* Dr. med. [[Wolfram Hartmann]], [[BVKJ]]
* [[Christian Bahls]], [[MOGiS e.V.]]
== Accompanying events ==
* Due to the Corona crisis, only online events and publications have been done.<ref name="MOGiS_YT_2020"/><ref>{{REFweb
|title=Internet-Protest gegen Genitalverstümmelung an Kindern
|trans-title=Internet protest against genital mutilation on children
* Germany
** Kick-off event of the one-year awareness campaign "My body - intact and self-determined", Berlin.<ref>[ "It can not be early enough to look after child protection!"], [[HPD]]</ref>
* Israel
** Israeli intact activists demonstrate against children against [[MGM]].
* Kenya
** First demo of Kenyan Intactivists at the Okalo Market in Matunga, Kakamega County.
* Norway
** Event "Bodily integrity and genital autonomy" in Turku, organized by ''JÅ - Intresseföreningen för jämställdhet vid ÅA''.
** San Francisco: Demo and Jonathon Conte Memorial Luncheon, organized by [[Genital Autonomy America]].
** US Heartland: 16-day demo in various American cities, organized by [[Bloodstained Men]] & Their Friends.
* Germany
** On the occasion of this year's main topic "[[FGM|Female genital mutilation]] in Asia", [[TERRE DES FEMMES]] held a panel discussion on the 6th of May in the Old Firestation in Cologne.
* Israel
** Israelic intactivists celebrated a "Conciousness Day Circumcision" for the first time on this day.
** San Francisco: The [[Bay Area Intactivists]] demonstrated near the Ferry Building.
* Germany
** The WWDOGA in Germany was introduced by a press conference in Berlin on May 4th, and closed by a symposium ''Jungenbeschneidung in Deutschland - eine Bestandsaufnahme'' (Circumcision on boys in Germany - an inventory) at the university Düsseldorf on May 8th.
** Denver: [[Intactivists]] demonstrated between California and Stout Street.
** Los Angeles: [[NOCIRC|Genital Autonomy - America]] hosted films and discussions of the common ground surrounding non-therapeutic genital cutting of male, female, and intersex children.
** San Diego: [[Intactivists]] demonstrated in front of the [[ACOG]] and informed the doctors about the harmful consequences of [[RIC]].
** San Francisco: The [[Bay Area Intactivists]] demonstrated in the streets.
* Australia
** Sydney: [[Intactivists]] from [[AIGA Inc.]] demonstrated in William Street.
* Germany
** The WWDOGA in Germany was accompanied by four in film and discussion events, where the films ''Circumcision'' by [[Ari Libsker]], ''Hibos Lied - Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung und die Macht der Tradition'' by [[Renate Bernhard]] and Sigrid Dethlof, and the animated short film ''Hermes und Aphrodite'' by Gregor Zootsky were shown in Munich, Düsseldorf, Cologne, and Berlin.<ref></ref>
* UK
** London: [[Intactivists]] from London demonstrated in the city with banners and info sheets.
** Cathedral City (California): On two days, films around the topic of circumcision were shown and discussed.
** Charleston (WV): On the WWDOGA, the 3rd day of the ''Mid-Atlantic, White House & Ob-Gyn Circumcision Crisis Protests'' took place.
** Denver: [[Intactivists]] demonstrated between California and Stout Street.
** New York: [[Intactivists]] demonstrated peacefully against circmcision of children at the Union Square.<ref></ref>
** San Francisco: The [[Bay Area Intactivists]] demonstrated in the streets.<ref></ref>
In Germany, the WWDOGA was followed by a "Genital Autonomy" conference in the ''Haus der Jugend'' (Youth Hostel) in Frankfurt/Main.
In Germany, a Scientific Symposium took place one day earlier in Cologne, being organized by [[MOGiS e.V.]] and [[pro familia]] NRW.
== Supporting Organizations ==
administrator, administrators, Bureaucrats, Interface administrators, Administrators

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