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Relatively little medical literature regarding [[foreskin restoration]] for [[circumcised]] men exists. The reasons for this are two-fold:
* Foreskin restoration embarrasses and discredits the [[circumcision industry]] as it tries to make [[Financial incentive| as much money as it can]] from [[genital mutilation]] of boys.
* Most of the development of non-surgical [[foreskin restoration]] has been done by non-medical organizations such as [[BUFF]].<ref>{{REFjournal |last=Özer |first= |init=M |author-link= |last2=Timmermans |first2= |init2=FW |author2-link= |etal=no |title=‘An insight into circumcised men seeking foreskin reconstruction: a prospective cohort study’ |trans-title= |language= |journal=Int J Impot Res |location= |date=2020-11 |volume=32 |issue=6 |pages=611-6 |url= |archived= |quote= |pubmedID=31896833 |pubmedCID= |DOI=10.1038/s41443-019-0223-y |accessdate=2024-06-19}}</ref>
==Surgical foreskin restoration==
|quote=An unknown proportion of circumcised males experience acute circumcision-related distress; some attempt to regain a sense of bodily integrity through non-surgical foreskin restoration.
* {{REFjournal
|title=Comment: Foreskin restorers: insights into motivations, successes, challenges and experiences with medical and mental health professionals
|journal=Int J Impot Res
* {{REFjournal
|author-link=Tim Hammond
|title=Correction: Foreskin restorers: insights into motivations, successes, challenges, and experiences with medical and mental health professionals - an abridged summary of key findings
|journal=Int J Impot Res
==Foreskin regeneration==
[[Foreskin regeneration]] is a relatively new and experimental procedure with the application of the principles of tissue engineering to regeneration of missing foreskins, which [[Foregen]] is attempting to develop. The publications to date have been limited. The available articles report on the development of a procedure, not the actual performance of foreskin regeneration, which has not been done reported as of June 2024.
* {{REFjournal
* [[Restoration]]
* [[Restored foreskin]]
[[Category:Foreskin restoration]]

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