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40 bytes added, 09:19, 3 January 2020
added FB page
'''NORM''', the National Organization of Restoring Men, was founded in San Francisco in November 1989 by [[Tim Hammond]] and [[R. Wayne Griffiths]] as a support group for men desiring to restore their foreskin, .
Both Griffiths and Hammond has been practicing the [[BUFF]] method. Hammond felt isolated on his efforts and suggested establishing a support group. They pooled their financial resources and placed classified advertising in two San Francisco Bay Area newspapers, the Sentinel and the Bay Area Reporter. The gay community was targeted first since Hammond felt that gay men, in general, tended to be more open about matters concerning sexuality in general and their genitals in particular. The response was overwhelming. They received over 200 telephone calls within the first few months of the ad's appearance.
* {{URL-FBpage|restoringmen|2020-01-03}}
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