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Fourteenth International Symposium

2 bytes added, 20:28, 26 January 2020
* '''Rebecca Steinfeld''', a political scientist researching the politics of reproduction and genital alteration, is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre of the Body at Goldsmiths, University of London. She is writing her first book, entitled ''Wars of the Wombs: Struggles over Reproduction in Israel'', for publication with Stanford University Press. Rebecca has written and broadcast widely on male circumcision, including in ''The Guardian'', ''Haaretz'' and on BBC Radio 3. Most recently, she has been working with bioethicist Brian Earp at the Brocher Foundation in Geneva, where they have been critiquing the contrasting global policies towards female and male genital alteration. Rebecca is also co-founder, with her partner Charles Keidan, of the Campaign for Equal Civil Partnerships in the UK, as well as co-litigants in a Judicial Review challenge to the Government’s ban on different-sex couples’ access to civil partnerships. These experiences have given her insights into the power and problems of using litigation to generate political change. London, UK.
* '''Michael Thomson''' is a Professor of Law at the University of Leeds. He is a health lawyer with particular interests in children’s rights, the regulation of reproduction and the medical profession and theories and practices of embodiment. He is the author of a number of books on the body and gender as well as numerous articles that explore the shaping of children’s bodies and when and how we should limit parental choices and actions. He is Chair of Genital Autonomy. Leeds, UK.
* '''Tiina Vilponen''' is a sexuality therapist and secular theologian. She works as a Communications Manager in [[Sexpo Foundation]] which specialises in training, counselling, therapy and politics in the field of sexuality and relationships. She is also the vice president of the Finnish Humanist Association. Helsinki, Finland.

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