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* '''Gaye Blake-Roberts''' has an honorary doctorate from Keele University and was selected to be their inaugu-ral President of the College of Fellows. The Fellows work as advocates for the University on a regional, national and international level.Gaye is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a Fellow of the Museums Association. She is currently a Trustee to the Spode Museum, Chairman of the Raven Mason Trust at Keele University and Deputy Chair of the Trustees and Chair of the Academic and Curatorial Committee of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum, Shropshire. For many years Gaye has been Curator of the Wedgwood Museum at Barlaston. The new Wedgwood Museum reopened to the public in October 2008 and won the prestigious Museum of the Year Award in June 2009.Gaye has lectured extensively throughout Britain and has undertaken a number of tours in Australia, Japan, Italy and the United States of America. She has appeared on national and local radio and television and has contributed to numerous catalogues for major exhibitions and for a wide range of scholarly publications in England, Europe and America. Published books include Mason’s the First 200 years, Wedgwood Jasper (2011) and Wedgwood – The Illus-trated History of an Iconic Name in Pottery (2014). Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK.
* '''Clare Chambers''' is University Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Cambridge. She works on contemporary political philosophy, with particular focus on feminism, liberalism and theories of social construction. She is the author of numerous chapters and articles on topics such as autonomy, choice and consent; the body, appearance norms and cosmetic surgery; culture, religion and social practices; theories of justice. She is the author of two books: ''Sex, Culture and Justice: The Limits of Choice '' (Penn State University Press, 2008) and, with Phil Parvin, ''Teach Yourself Political Philosophy: A Complete Introduction '' (Hodder, 2012). Her third book, ''Against Marriage: An Egalitarian Defence of the Marriage-Free State'', will be published by Oxford University Press in early 2017.
* '''James Chegwidden''' is a barrister at Old Square Chambers, London. Old Square is a Band-1 ranked chambers in the fields of employment/equality law and is highly rated in the fields of clinical negligence and personal injury. James frequently acts for governmental agencies, including the Secretary of State for Health, the Home Office, the Cabinet Office and also for private individuals. In 2010, James worked as a lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg and prior to call to the Bar was Associate to Mr Justice Michael Kirby of the High Court of Australia. He was appointed Attorney General’s Counsel to the Crown in 2013. On issues of genital cutting, James was one of the most cited-participants in the State of Tasmania’s consultation on non-therapeutic circumcision of boys (2009); he acted as legal advisor to a delegation to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on the subject of genital cutting (2013); and most recently in 2015, James was junior counsel for the mother in the recent High Court (England and Wales) case of ''Re L & B '' on infant circumcision.London, UK.
* '''John Dalton''' is the lead researcher and archivist for Genital Autonomy and [[15 Square]]. He lives in Cumbria where he was born and was educated at Dundee and St Andrews Universities. He is a semi-retired nuclear safety consultant and a lay member of an NHS research ethics committee. He has a long-standing interest in the subject of genital cutting and has amassed an archive of over 6,000 documents related to the issue. Cumbria, UK.