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Position statements on infant circumcision

4 bytes added, 18:25, 26 June 2020
Wikify human rights.
|quote=By contrast, U.S. medical associations – especially the American Academy of Pediatrics, the lead broker of this cultural practice for decades – have been strategically deferential to parental choice and tradition. The AAP has been equivocal on the medical evidence since declaring circumcision “unnecessary” in 1971 – then walking that disavowal back ever since. The AAP has consistently dangled the specter of unpleasant, even dangerous (but highly unlikely) outcomes for intact boys, while disingenuously leaving it up to frightened young parents to make an immediate ‘decision.’ The rare mention by the AAP of the [[human rights ]] of the child to an intact body has been, at best, parenthetical, and at worst, disdainful and dismissive.

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