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Informed consent

747 bytes added, 16:17, 25 July 2020
Informed consent for non-therapeutic circumcision of minor boys: Add text.
A court of appeals in Cologne, Germany [[Cologne circumcision court judgment]] ruled in 2012 that non-therapeutic male circumcision is an assault on the child, an injury to the child, and a violation of the child's rights under the [ Basic Law of Germany]. No American court has so ruled. Until such time as an American court issues such a ruling, non-therapeutic circumcision of children in America, driven by the [[Financial Incentive| financial incentive]] is expected to continue.
At the present time, ethics and law notwithstanding, non-therapeutic circumcisions of boys are performed with parental consent. The information supplied below is intended to inform and assist parents of boys.
==Information for parents regarding non-therapeutic circumcision of infant boys.==

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