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Ninth International Symposium

192 bytes added, 23:44, 15 August 2020
Friday, 25 August: Add URLs.
* '''The Perils of Circumcision'''
: ''James Snyder''
* '''[ Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus: A Risk of Circumcised Boys]'''
: ''[[George Hill]]''
* '''Conservative Management of Foreskin Problems'''
* '''Image: Are We Right or Wrong?'''
: ''David Smith''
* '''“Real [ "Real Men”: Foreskin Cutting and Male Identity in the Philippines]'''
: ''Leonard Glick''
* '''Filipino [ Male Experience of Ritual Circumcision: Perspectus and Insights for Philippine-Based Anti-Circumcision Advocacy]'''
: ''Romeo B. Lee''
* '''Traditional Male Circumcision in West Timor, Indonesia: Practices, Myths, and their Impact on the Spread of HIV/AIDS and Gender Relations'''

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