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3 bytes added, 11:00, 9 September 2021
wikify euphemism
In many debates and discussions about [[circumcision]], one can hear the argument that [[MGM]] cannot be named a mutilation. The above definition alone proves this pseudo-argument wrong. There are reasons for those who want to defend the right of parents to genitally mutilate their children (both male and female, because in different cultures the [[arguments pro circumcision]] are identical or at least very similar for both [[FGM]] and [[MGM]]).
# The term ''circumcision'' is an a [[euphemism ]] of what is actually done to the child. Avoiding correct terms like "foreskin amputation" or "mutilation" obscures the view on the facts.
# Many adults who want to ensure that children's genitals can still be mutilated are themselves victims of genital mutilation. Therefore, the behavior can be explained by avoiding terms that could trigger them to relive the suffering they experienced yourself. See [[Collective Cognitive Dissonance]] for more psychological details.
# Publications such as "Desert Flower" by Waris Dirie have brought female genital mutilation, which in the past was also belittled as "circumcision", into the public eye. The same weighting of male genital mutilation is still missing in public. Therefore, it is easier for circumcision advocates to continue to use the trivializing term "circumcision" to protect themselves and their interests behind it.
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