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Ulf Dunkel

1 byte removed, 16:46, 13 May 2017
Other publications about intactivism
* [ Fangt endlich an, vom Kind her zu denken], ''(At last, start thinking from the child's point of view)''; in ''Der Freitag'', March 20, 2016
* [ Noch mehr Doppelmoral], ''(Even more double standards)'', December 12, 2015
* [ Grüne Doppelmoral], ''(Green Double Standards)'', November 24, 2015 ([[Double StandardsStandard]])
* [ Unaussprechliche Verstümmelungen], ''(Unspeakable Mutilations)'', August 18, 2015
* [ Pressemeldung zur Veröffentlichung von Celebrating Brit Shalom: Brit Shalom statt Beschneidung], ''(Brit Shalom instead of circumcision)'', in ''Humanistischer Pressedienst'', May 15, 2015
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