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Dan Bollinger

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adjusted ICGI wiki link
'''Daniel H. Bollinger III''' ({{LifeData |birth=1951-03-10 |birthplace=Plymouth, {{USSC|IN}}}}) has been involved in [[Intactivism]] since 1995. He serves on [[Intact America]]’s board of directors as vice chair, and was a member if its founding committee. He was instrumental in the creation of Intact America's [ Tipping Point Strategy].
He was the Director of the [[International Coalition of for Genital Integrity]] (ICGI), which is now defunct.
Bollinger's involvement in intactivism grew out his commitment to equal rights; he fought to help pass the Equal Rights Amendment in Indiana when he was in college. "Circumcision was an issue I could relate to—not only because I was circumcised, but because of the equal rights aspect. For most of my life I’ve been troubled by night terrors that I later became convinced were an early recollection of my [[circumcision]] at age three-days."
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