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Mina Ahadi

8 bytes added, 22:58, 29 December 2021
'''Mina Ahadi''' ({{LifeData|birth=1956-05-25|birthplace=Abhar|birthcountry=Iran}}) is an Austrian intactivist who spoke at the [[WWDOGA]] in 2013 to 2015, and in 2017, being the CEO of the [[Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime| Central Council of Ex-Muslims]] in Germany.
Mina Ahadi comes from Iran and, being chairman of the [[Central Council of ex-Muslims (Germany)]] and founder of the International Committee, she engages against stoning for the defense of human rights against the influence of power demands of the political [[islam]]. In 2007, she was awarded the Irwin Prize for Secularist of the Year by the British National Secular Society for her courageous commitment.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Secularist of the Year 2007
}}</ref> Her statement against [[Circumcision]]:
|Text=If we put an end to this potentially lethal attack on the body of children, we can save many children worldwide from [[death ]] and also from deep injuries to their physical and spiritual well-being. What kind of society are we in which, in the name of religion or culture, our children are hurt and their lives are forever impaired?
Everyone has the right to physical integrity and it is our job to enforce that right with our activities and our struggle!

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