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Dr. Michael Lowy from Australia is member of the alleged medical organization Circumcision Academy of Australia, driven by circumfetishist Brian J. Morris.

Research about Lowy

The Intactivists of Australasia have collected more information about Lowy as quoted below:

The independent Australian whistleblower organisation ‘Crikey’ has Lowy on its ‘Register of Influence’, which seeks to ‘identify some of the associations between key opinion leaders and industry marketing or disease-awareness campaigns’. Lowy, who is a ‘sexual health physician’ is also a board member of ‘Impotence Australia’, an organisation which receives its funding from the makers of the three most popular anti-impotence drugs (Viagra, Levitra and Cialis). Recent studies have been published which indicate a probable link between circumcision and impotence.

Crikey does not allege any impropriety by Lowy. It invites those listed on the register to provide a response. Thus far, Lowy has declined to do so. Given the above, it would appear to be valid to ask the following question: Is Lowy’s stance on circumcision based on ‘public health advocacy, or is it based on something else?’[1]


  1. REFweb (23 August 2012). Meet the Circumcision Academy of Australia. Retrieved 7 July 2022.