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Regret men

11 bytes added, 14:44, 1 November 2022
Reasons for circumcision: Add bullets.
Regret men usually had thoughtful and loving parents who actively protected the legal and [[human rights]] of their son to [[physical integrity]] and the enjoyment of a whole and complete [[intact]] [[penis]] with a functional [[foreskin]]. Such parents reserve the decision regarding [[circumcision]] for the boy to make for himself.
==Reasons for circumcision==
Most [[intact]] males are very content with their status but , however a few are not and choose the circumcision option.
* Regret men may have been reared in a society where most men are [[circumcised]] and they chose to follow the perceived norm.
* Other regret men may have been persuaded by an ignorant and selfish girlfriend or ex-girlfriend to get [[Adolescent and adult circumcision| circumcised]].
* Others may have consulted a rapacious urologist for a minor medical condition who recommended the most expensive procedure ([[Adolescent and adult circumcision| circumcision]]), instead of conservative foreskin-conserving treatment.
After their circumcision, regret men commonly complain of the discomfort of an exposed [[glans penis]] and of extreme loss of sexual sensation after the excision of the nerve-laden [[foreskin]], which has been known to be erogenous tissue for decades.<ref name="winklemann1959">{{REFjournal

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