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James W. Prescott, Ph.D. was the editor of Many articles from ''The Truth Seeker''. He and [[Marilyn Fayre Milos]], R. N., Executive Director of the [[Genital Autonomy America| National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC)]], jointly edited the circumcision issuehave been transcribed elsewhere.
==Table ''The Truth Seeker'' edition, vol 1, no. 3, July/August 1989 and its various articles became the progenitor of Contents==future [[intactivist]] literature.
===Feature articles===
====''Religious-Psychological Perspectives''====
====''Social-Cultural Perspectives''====
====''Medical Perspectives''====* Hardebeck, John W. "Newborn circumcision resolution".
* [https://issuu.com/mgmbill/docs/crimesofgenitalmutilation/54 Digital Publication]{{ABBR}}
wikify James W. Prescott
[[File:TheTruthSeekerCircumcisionPoem.jpg|thumb|Jul/Aug 1989 issue of The Truth Seeker]]
'''The Truth Seeker''' is an American periodical published beginning in 1873.<ref name=Jacoby>{{REFbook
|title=Freethinkers: A history of American Secularism
|location=New York, {{USSC|NY}}
|publisher=Metropolitan Books
The July/August 1989 issue of '''The Truth Seeker''' was dedicated to articles about circumcision and genital mutilation. It contains the core proceedings of the [[First International Symposium| First International Symposium on Circumcision]]. It is an early example of [[intactivist]] literature. [[James W. Prescott]], {{PhD}}, was the editor of ''The Truth Seeker''. He and [[Marilyn Fayre Milos]], {{RN}}, Executive Director of the [[Genital Autonomy America| National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC)]], jointly edited the circumcision issue.
* {{REFweb
|title=Infant circumcision: What I wish I had known
* {{REFweb
|title=Religious traditions and circumcision
* {{REFweb
* {{REFweb
|title=Genital pain vs. genital pleasure: Why the one and not the other?
|first=JamesW. |init=JW |author-link=James W. Prescott
* {{REFweb
|title=Female genital mutilation: strategies for eradication
|first=FranP |accessdate=}}* {{REFweb |url=http://www.nocirc.org/symposia/first/badawi.html |title=Epidemiology of female sexual castration in Cairo, Egypt |last=Badawi |first=Mohamed |accessdate=}} ===''Medical Perspectives''===* [[George C. Denniston]]. First do no harm.* {{REFweb |url=http://www.noharmm.org/problem.htm |title=The Problem of Circumcision in America |last=Snyder |first=James L. |author-link=James L. Snyder |accessdate=}}* {{REFweb |url=http://www.cirp.org/library/disease/UTI/altschul/ |title=Cultural Bias and the Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Circumcision Controversy |last=Altshul |first=Martin |accessdate=}}* [[Paul M. Fleiss]], David S. Bate & [[John A. Erickson]]. Letters. ===''Legal Perspectives''=== * {{REFweb |url=https://www.arclaw.org/wp-content/uploads/Morris-First-Circ-Case-TruthSkr-1989.pdf |title=The first circumcision case |last=Morris |first=Richard W
==Philosophical/Social Transformations==''Legal Persectives''* {{REFweb |url=http://nocirc.org/symposia/first/snyder1a.html |title=Testimony against circumcision |last=Snyder |first=James L. |author-link=James L. Snyder |accessdate=}}* [http://www.nocirc.org/declare.php Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision]
===Philosophical/Social Transformations=Departments==* James Harvey Johnson. Superior Men, Chapter IV.* Acknowledgements and Resources
==Center insert=Departments=* {{REFdocument |title=Circumcision: the legal and Constitutional issues |url=http://www.noharmm.org/bonner.htm |last=Bonner |first=Charles A. |author-link= |last2=Kinane |first2=Michael |author2-link= |publisher=The Truth Seeker |location= |format= |date=1989 |accessdate=}}* {{REFweb |url=http://fgmnetwork.org/articles/duffy.htm |title=Clitoridectomy: A Nineteenth Century Answer to Masturbation |last=Duffy |first=John |accessdate=}}* {{REFweb |url=http://www.violence.de/prescott/letters/Social-Behavioral_Characteristics.pdf |title=Social-Behavioral Characteristics Of Affectionate/Nurturant And Non-Affectionate/Non-Nurturant Primitive Cultures |last=Prescott |first=James W. |init=JW |author-link=James W. Prescott |accessdate=}}
''The Truth Seeker'' is available on the Internet in two versions, a digital book edition and a PDF file;
* {{REFweb
|title=The Truth Seeker: Crimes of Genital Mutilation (Digital Publication)
* {{REFweb
|title=The Truth Seeker
* {{URLwebsite|http://thetruthseeker.net/|2021-01-08}}
[[Category:Intactivist literature]]