The Truth Seeker

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Jul/Aug 1989 issue of The Truth Seeker

The Truth Seeker is an American periodical published beginning in 1873.[1] It was considered the most influential Freethought publication during the period following the American Civil War into the first decades of the 20th Century, known as the Golden Age of Freethought. Though there were other influential Freethought periodicals, Truth Seeker was the only one with a national circulation.[1] The headquarters is in San Diego, California. The Truth Seeker is the world’s oldest freethought publication, and one of the oldest periodicals in America. Among general-readership titles, only Harper’s Magazine, The Atlantic, Scientific American, and The Nation are older.[2]

The July/August 1989 issue of The Truth Seeker was dedicated to articles about circumcision and genital mutilation. It contains the core proceedings of the First International Symposium on Circumcision. It is an early example of intactivist literature.

James W. Prescott, Ph.D.[a 1], was the editor of The Truth Seeker. He and Marilyn Fayre Milos, RN[a 2], Executive Director of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC), jointly edited the circumcision issue.

Many articles from The Truth Seeker have been transcribed elsewhere.

The Truth Seeker edition, vol 1, no. 3, July/August 1989 and its various articles became the progenitor of future intactivist literature.

Feature articles

Religious-Psychological Perspectives

Social-Cultural Perspectives

Medical Perspectives

Legal Perspectives

  • Hardebeck, John W. "Newborn circumcision resolution".

Philosophical/Social Transformations


  • James Harvey Johnson. Superior Men, Chapter IV.
  • Acknowledgements and Resources

Center insert

External links

The Truth Seeker is available on the Internet in two versions, a digital book edition and a PDF file;


  1. REFweb Doctor of Philosophy, Wikipedia. Retrieved 16 June 2021. (Also abbreviated as D.Phil.)
  2. REFweb Registered nurse, Wikipedia. Retrieved 11 January 2021.


  1. a b REFbook Jacoby S: Freethinkers: A history of American Secularism. New York, NY: Metropolitan Books. Pp. 155-6.
  2. REFweb The Truth Seeker, Wikipedia. Retrieved 8 January 2021.