John A. Erickson

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The late John A. Erickson (1938 – 2001) was an intactivist who lived on Beach Boulevard in Biloxi, MS. He was an early contributor to information on the Internet.

Erickson created the website "In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child" because …

I waited for years for someone to say what I thought should be said. But no one did. So I started saying it myself.
– John A. Erickson[1]


  • REFbook Erickson JA: Circumcision: What Your Baby Can't Tell You: 165 Statements, Quotes, and Excerpts (Most from Authoritative Sources).

See also

External links


  1. Jump up REFweb Erickson, John A. (26 October 2000). In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child. Retrieved 6 November 2021.