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Arguments pro circumcision

10 bytes added, 18:11, 21 November 2022
Pseudo-legal arguments: Wikify.
== Pseudo-legal arguments ==
* '''"Male circumcision is legal, it has been done for many, many years."'''
*: Many parents argue that foreskin [[amputation ]] in young boys is legal because it has been done for many years, centuries, or even millennia. Modern case law makes it clear that tradition does not create a legal claim. Other violations of [[human rights]] such as rape, stoning, slavery, etc. have also been done for a long time - which does not legalize them.
* '''"Circumcision of boys is legal because it isn't punished."'''
*: With the exception of Germany, we do not know of any other country worldwide that would explicitly allow genital mutilation of children without [[medical indication]]. On the contrary, bodily harm is punishable in all countries unless it is medically indicated. The [[German Circumcision Act]] is seen very controversial and ineffective for several reasons: on the one hand it is obviously unconstitutional, on the other hand, it leads itself to absurdity in its own legal text. The assumption that [[genital mutilation ]] is legal in boys because it has been legally tolerated many times, is wrong.
== Pseudo-parental rights arguments ==

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