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Benjamin Spock

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The late Dr. '''Benjamin McLane Spock''', {{MD}} M.D., (1903-1998) was a prominent twentieth century American pediatrician and author. Dr. Spock wrote numerous books on child care in his lifetime. Many have been updated by other authors and are still available. ==Views on child circumcision== Spock initially favored child [[circumcision]], but when the [[American Academy of Pediatrics]], a [[medical trade association]], said circumcision had no medical indication.<ref name="aap1971">{{REFweb |url= |title=Standards and Recommendation for Hospital Care of Newborn infants. 5th ed |last=Anonymous |first= |init= |publisher=American Academy of Pediatrics |date=1971 |accessdate=2023-05-16}}</ref> He started to change his view. His studies on psychology also helped him to reach that decision. 
* {{REFbook
* {{URLwikipedia||Benjamin Spock|2023-05-16}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Spock, Benjamin}}

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