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[[File:Pre-ejaculate closeup.jpg|thumb|Pre-ejaculate on the glans of the penis]]
{{Construction Site}}'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' (also known as '''pre-ejaculatory fluid''', '''pre-seminal fluid''' or '''Cowper's fluid''', and colloquially as '''''pre-cum''''')<refname="cowpers">{{REFweb
}}</ref> is a clear, colorless, very slippery liquid that is produced by the Cowper's glands. <ref>{{REFweb
|title=Cowper's glands.
}}</ref> and discharged from the [[urethra ]] of males. It collects under the [[foreskin]] in the [[preputial sac]] of normal, [[foreskinned]] males where it functions as a lubricant at times of sexual arousal, [[masturbation]] or [[sexual intercourse]].They are also called the bulbo-urethral glands and are the male equivalent of the Bartholin's Glands.<ref name="cowpers" />
== Function and risks ==
}}</ref> The [[vagina]] is normally acidic, so the deposit of pre-ejaculate before the emission of [[semen ]] may change the vaginal environment to promote sperm survival.<ref name=Chudnovskycite>{{REFjournal
The quantity of pre-ejaculate produced various widely between individuals. Production of pre-ejaculate may be triggered by erotic thoughts alone.
Some observers believe that, on average, [[circumcised]] males tend to produce less pre-ejaculate than [[foreskinned]] males, due to loss of sexual sensation received by the autonomic nervous system from the [[ridged band]] , [[frenulum]], and other nerves of the [[foreskin]].
* [[Masturbation]]
* [[Penis]]
* [[Preputial sac]]
* [[Semen]]
* [[Vagina]]
* {{URLwikipedia|Pre-ejaculate|Pre-ejaculate|2023-01-10}}
* {{REFweb
|title=What Is Precum?
|first=S. Nicole
|publisher=Verywell Health
[[Category:Male sexuality]]
[[Category:Male sexuality]]

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