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Bodily harm

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Substantial '''bodily harm''' is the result of every male [[circumcision]].
Approximately 51% of the of erogenous adult skin and mucosa of the [[penis]], including the [[ridged band]] and its [[Meissner's corpuscles]], is irreversibly lost by each [[circumcision]].<ref>{{TaylorJR LockwoodAP TaylorAJ 1996}}</ref> The skin has numerous protective, immunologiclal, sensory, and sexual [[Foreskin#Physiological_functions| physiological functions]] that cease to function after [[circumcision]].<ref>{{FleissP HodgesF VanHoweRS 1998}}</ref> <ref>{{ColdCJ TaylorJR 1999}}</ref>
Every victim of male [[circumcision]] incurs substantial physical and psychic [[trauma]].

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