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Peter W. Adler

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[[File:Peter Adler.jpg|thumb|Peter Adler 2021]]
'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''', {{JD}}, {{MA}}, from Massachusetts, USA, is a law professor and , legal scholar , and [[intactivist]] who has published numerous articles about [[circumcision]] and the law, three of which laid the groundwork for lawsuits in the U.S.
Adler has a {{BA}} in Philosophy from [ Dartmouth] College (Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa), an {{MA}} in Philosophy and Ethics from [ Cambridge] (with Honours), and a {{JD}} from the {{UNI|University of Virginia|UVA}} [ School of Law] (Law Review).
}}</ref> based on the article alleging that it is unlawful for the Massachusetts Medicaid agency [ MassHealth ] to use Medicaid to pay for non-therapeutic [[circumcision]]. MassHealth moved to dismiss the lawsuit.
The Superior Court ruled in May 2021 that the taxpayer plaintiffs have the right to proceed with their claims that in funding non-therapeutic [[circumcision]]s, MassHealth is violating Massachusetts law. The judge reported the case to the Massachusetts Appeals Court for review, and the case is on appeal.
}}</ref>, arguing that under U.S. law, as a court had ruled in a [[Cologne circumcision court judgment| case in Cologne, Germany ]] earlier that year, it is assault and a crime for a physician to circumcise a boy for religious reasons, as it violates the child’s right to bodily integrity and self-determination, and the child’s rights supersede the parents’ religious and other rights. The article was used and cited in a federal lawsuit in 2015 in Florida in a “spite circumcision” case that gained national attention, but the lawyer for the plaintiff dropped the suit. The mother, [[Heather Hironimus]], wanted to protect her son from [[circumcision]], while the estranged father was intent on having him circumcised in accordance with their separation agreement. A judge in state court put the mother in jail until she gave permission for the [[circumcision]]. A physician circumcised the young boy against his wishes and over the objection of the mother<ref>{{REFnews
}}</ref> using a false diagnosis of phimosis or a tight foreskin.
== Fraud article and lawsuit ==
# Physicians use fraudulent conduct in the hospital: they target newborn boys who are unable to defend themselves; target mothers who have just given birth, often on medications, who they should know are legally incapacitated; and medical professionals often badger the parents to give permission numerous times, which constitutes coercion.
# Urged on by the [[American Academy of Pediatrics]], a trade association with an undisclosed financial bias in favor of perpetuating [[circumcision]], physicians make fraudulent medical claims to persuade parents to elect [[circumcision]]. These include the false claims that [[circumcision]] prevents urinary tract infections, penile cancer, and some sexually transmitted infections including [[HIV]], and the claim that the benefits outweigh the risks, which is illogical as the AAP conceded in 2012 that it does not know the risks, and the AAP assigned no value to the foreskin, even though genitally intact man greatly value it. Physicians also use fraudulent diagnoses including phimosis or a tight foreskin, which is normal, and “newborn boy”.
# Physicians and the AAP make the implied and express fraudulent legal claims that boys have no right to bodily integrity; that parents have the right to elect non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] (and for reasons having nothing to do with medicine); and that physicians have the legal right to take orders from parents to perform unnecessary surgery on a healthy child.
# As shown in the 2011 Medicaid article, physicians then commit Medicaid fraud by falsely certifying to state Medicaid agencies when they bill for reimbursement that it is medically necessary to circumcise healthy boys, and by using fraudulent diagnoses.
# The article also argues that non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] constitutes constructive fraud, where to prevent unfairness, court impute fraud as a matter of law even if intent to defraud is absent. The article argued that boys and their parents have a right to summary judgment without trial on their claims that [[circumcision]] is a battery, a breach of fiduciary duty, and constructive fraud, and that the statute of limitations begins upon discovery of the fraud.
In what is certain to be a landmark case in [[circumcision]] and the law, in February 2021, Shingo Lavine, the victim of a negligently performed [[circumcision]], and his parents Adam and Aiko Lavine, represented by the [[circumcision]] trial lawyer [[David Llewellyn]] of Georgia and attorney Andrew DeLaney of New Jersey, sued a medical clinic and the [[American Academy of Pediatrics]] in New Jersey state court. The suit alleges, based on Giannetti’s 1999 article and the 2020 fraud article, that the [[AAP]] committed intentional fraud and constructive fraud in issuing its pro-[[circumcision]] 1989 and 1999 [[circumcision]] policy statements. On June 18, 2021, the [[AAP]] filed a Motion to Dismiss, and the plaintiffs will find a responsive Memorandum of Law. The case now has been removed to federal court based on diversity of citizenship.
== Videos ==
=== Is the Circumcision of Children a Fraud? ===
=== Male Circumcision Violates the Physician's Fiduciary Duty to the Child ===
=== Peter Adler on Why Circumcision is a Fraud and Landmark Legal Action ===
* {{AdlerPW 2022}}
|title=The Draft CDC Circumcision Recommendations: Medical, Ethical, Legal, and Procedural Concerns
|journal=The International Journal of Children's Rights
|first=Peter W. |init=PW
|author-link=Peter W. Adler
|title=[[Circumcision Is A Fraud: And The Coming Legal Reckoning]] |url= |scope=282 |location= |publisher=sr_1_1?crid[[KDP]] |ISBN=1CAZ7M2GY8BMI979-8844459276
|ISBN= |accessdate=20222024-0102-1611 }}
* [[United States of America]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Adler, Peter W}}
[[Category:Legal scholar]]

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