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1,500 bytes added, 20:04, 29 March 2015
Created page with "This compendium deals with one of the most widespread surgical operations in the world – circumcision, the removal of the male foreskin. It came into being in close cooperat..."
This compendium deals with one of the most widespread surgical operations in the world – circumcision, the removal of the male foreskin. It came into being in close cooperation with the working group of men affected by circumcision within [[MOGiS e.V.]] and the Websites [[]] and [[]], whom I wish to thank for their support.

The compendium covers all relevant topics regarding the surgery:

* Anatomy and development of the male genital organ
* Medical and non-medical reasons
* Styles, techniques and instruments
* Complications, risks and late effects
* Methods and equipment for foreskin restoration
* The historical background
* A view on rights and ethics
* Case histories of circumcised men

Large parts of the Circumpendium content have been added to the Intactiwiki, e.g. in the pages [[Penis]], [[Foreskin]], and [[Circumcision]].

For comments and questions the author [[Stefan Schritt]] can be contacted at:

== Download ==
This document is published under a CreativeCommons license and may be freely distributed, in electronic and printed form. This includes making it available for download. Distribution of this document is explicitly encouraged.

In order to avoid access on outdated versions of the Circumpendium, here is the original source link:

[ Download the Circumpendium PDF]

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