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Eleventh International Symposium

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* '''[[James Loewen]]''' is a photographer, videographer, and intactivist. Since 1993, his work has been increasingly focused on ending the genital mutilation of infants and children. His videotaped interviews can be seen at Bonobo3D on Youtube. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
* '''[[Gillian Longley]]''', {{RN}}, BSN, MSS, the mother of two grown intact sons, is a registered nurse with 11 years experience in newborn nursery and neonatal intensive care. For the last five years, she has been co-coordinator of NOCIRC of Colorado. Her recent master’s degree research was a content analysis of how parent circumcision handouts present the alternative of not circumcising. Boulder, Colorado, USA.
* '''[[Paul Mason]]''', JD, was appointed Commissioner for Children for the Australian State of Tasmanian in 2007. The Commissioner is a State appointment independent of the elected government of the day and responsible for advising government about all matters concerning the health, welfare, development, education of children and their protection from all forms of abuse and neglect. His other primary function is to raise public awareness about these matters. Before that, he had three decades’ experience working in all areas of family law, including complex parenting and child protection cases, both as a solicitor and barrister across Australia. He is deeply committed to the human rights of children and a strong believer in their capacity to make valuable contributions to all decisions affecting their welfare and development. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
* '''Ken McGrath''', VRD, Msc(Hons), LIBiol, MNZIMLS, Senior Lecturer in Pathology in the Faculty of Health, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, has made a lifelong study of the male genitalia, which he has taught to medical students. His research interests are the innervation of the penis and fungal diseases of the skin. Auckland, NZ.
* '''[[Marilyn Fayre Milos]]''', {{RN}}, is the founder and director of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers ([[NOCIRC]]) and coordinator of the International Symposia on Circumcision, Sexual Mutilations, and Genital Integrity. She is the co-editor of the symposia books, ''Sexual Mutilations: A Human Tragedy'' (1997), ''Male and Female Circumcision: Medical Legal and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice'' (1999), ''Understanding Circumcision: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to a Multi-Dimensional Problem'' (2001), ''Flesh and Blood: Perspectives on the Problem of Circumcision in Contemporary Society'' (2004), ''Bodily Integrity and the Politics of Circumcision: Culture, Controversy, and Change'' (2006), ''Circumcision and Human Rights'' (Springer 2008), ''Genital Autonomy: Protecting Personal Choice'' (2010), editor of the NOCIRC Annual Newsletter, and the NOCIRC Fall Update. San Anselmo, California, USA.
* '''[[Soraya Miré]]''' was born in Somalia, immigrated to Europe at age 17, and studied literature and political science at the University of Grenoble. In 1984, Miré moved to Los Angeles to begin a film career. She is an award-winning director, writer, and activist. Her segment on FGM was featured in the Vagina Monologues and her documentary, Fire Eyes, which highlights the barbaric practice of FGM, was featured at the International Women’s Conference in Beijing, the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, the Sundance Film Festival in Utah, and the United Nations in Geneva. Miré has received numerous awards, including the “Humanitarian Award” (United Nations Sub-Commission Sessions), “Winnie Mandela Award” (John Jay College of Criminal Justice), “Best Documentary” (United Nations International Conference on Population and Development), “Human Rights Award” (International Symposia on Circumcision), and Intact America’s “Personal Courage Award 2009.” She has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, and Nightline with Ted Koppel. She lectures at colleges and universities and has stood before committees at the UN, US Senate Human Resources and Health Assembly, and the World Health Organization. She works with medical professionals, government officials, and women and families who have been affected by FGM, persistently protecting human rights. Los Angeles, California, USA.
* '''Hatem Kamal Saied''', BSc, Graduate Diploma, MSc Science, physics and IT, Alexandria University, is the founder of the first Arabic online society opposing MGM. Alexandria, Egypt.
* '''Dolores Sangiuliano''', {{RN}}, an active member of NOCIRC of Colorado, has been an intactivist for 24 years and a registered nurse for 20 years. She works primarily with psychiatric and detox populations. She is a devoted mother of five, and is currently working on a baccalaureate in nursing with the intention of infiltrating academia and the nursing profession with the genital integrity message. Boulder, Colorado, USA.
* '''[[David Smith]]''' was educated at St. Joseph’s College, Market Drayton, and he qualified in business studies at Underwood College. He worked for Re-Solv, a solvent abuse charity, and is currently General Manager of NORM-UK, a charity dedicated to giving men a choice. He created and now edits NORM NEWS, the organization’s magazine for members and concerned individuals. Stone, Staffordshire, UK.
* '''Astrik Vardanyan''', BA, MA, received her BA in English linguistics and literature from the Institute of Foreign Languages, Yerevan, Armenia, in 1996, and her master’s degree in anthropology at California State University, Northridge. She is a recipient of the McArthur scholarship in journalism, a fellowship at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in Chicago, Illinois, where she published articles on social and environmental issues. Her recent interests are cross-cultural child-rearing practices. She is an advocate of genital integrity for boys and girls, prolonged breastfeeding, co-sleeping, and natural birth. Vardanyan is inclined toward action or advocacy anthropology and employs her research to out-reach the general public through media, seminars, and small group and individual talks. Northridge, California, USA.
* '''[[B. Maurene White]]''', {{RN}}, graduated from Montreal General Hospital School of Nursing in 1962 and received a BTh in 1988, a DipEd in 1991, and a BA (medical anthropology) in 1997 from McGill University. She has worked in different areas of nursing, with special interest in perinatality and outpost work as a nurse practitioner in northern Canada. She currently does private case nursing, consulting, and has developed a health-tracking system as an iPhone and iPod application. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
* '''David Wilton''', JD, received his undergraduate degree from the University of Texas at El Paso and his law degree from the South Texas College of Law. He has a long-standing interest in issues of body integrity and HIV/AIDS. He blogs at Male Circumcision and HIV ( while maintaining a full-time law practice specializing in criminal defense. His primary interests, outside of nurturing a debate on the controversial measure of removing sexual tissue to reduce the spread of HIV, are in the areas of criminal justice, languages, and journalism. San Francisco, California, USA.
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