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Judaism: Wikify.
=== Judaism ===
Of all of the commandments in [[Judaism]], the [[Brit Milah| brit milah]] (literally, [[Abrahamic covenant| Covenant of Circumcision]]) is probably the one most universally observed. It is commonly referred to as a bris (covenant, using the Ashkenazic pronunciation). Even the most secular of Jews, who observe no other part of [[Judaism]], almost always observes this tradition.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Jew FAQ "Birth"
:''"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh. (Lev. 19:28)''
Halacha provides for the ceremony of hatifat dam berit (shedding of a token drop of blood) for babies who can not be [[circumcised ]] due to health reasons. This is deemed to be completely valid in marking the Covenant. <ref name="Britshalom">{{REFweb
|title=Jews Against Circumcision, Brit Shalom
Further, being [[circumcised]] is not a condition of being Jewish. Girls do not need to be circumcised to receive the gifts of covenant, i.e., receiving bat-mitzva. A boy is considered to be Jewish if his mother is Jewish from the moment he is born. In fact:
* A boy may be excused from [[circumcision ]] permanently if his health would be endangered by it (for example, hemophilia).
* Jewish boys in countries where non-therapeutic circumcision is not common, such as [[Netherlands| Holland]], may be left [[intact]] and yet remain Jews in good standing.
* In [[Sweden]], 60% of Jewish boys are [[intact]].* Many Soviet Jews, left [[intact ]] for fear of communist persecution, have chosen to remain so, even though communism no longer exists.
* Some Jewish parents are electing to have a non-cutting, harmless naming ceremony, frequently called "[[Brit Shalom]]" instead of a ritual circumcision.
* Contrary to popular opinions, an [[intact]] boy may have a Bar Mitzvah. As one rabbi simply put it, “We don’t check.”

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