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295 bytes added, 14:43, 25 September 2019
Manual stretching: Insert links.
====Manual stretching====
The growth and hormonal surge during puberty alter both the size and size ratio of the penis and penile skin significantly. Also, the first masturbations aid the process of stretching of the skin and detachment of any remaining adhesionschlidhood fusion.
If, after that, the foreskin still remains too tight, resulting in pain during sexual activities, and
stretching exercises, if needed with the aid of corticosteroid cream. Depending on the active
substances, success rates of 80-90% have been documented.
<ref>Orsola A, Caffaratti J, Garat JM. [| Conservative treatment of [[phimosis]] in children using a topical steroid]. ''Urology'' 2000;56(2):307-10.</ref><ref>Ashfield JE, Nickel KR, Siemens DR, ''et al''. [| Treatment of [[phimosis]] with topical steroids in 194 children]. ''J Urol.'' 2003;169(3):1106-8.</ref><ref>Pileggi Fde O, Vicente YA. [| Phimotic ring topical corticoid cream (0.1% mometasone furoate) treatment in children]. ''J Pediatr Surg''. 2007 Oct;42(10):1749-52.</ref><ref>Ghysel C, Vander Eeckt K, Bogaert GA.[| Long-term efficiency of skin stretching and a topical corticoid cream application for unretractable foreskin and [[phimosis]] in prepubertal boys]. ''Urol Int''. 2009;82(1):81-8.</ref><ref>Reddy S, Jain V, Dubey M, Deshpande P, Singal AK. [| Local steroid therapy as the first line treatment for boyswith symptomatic [[Phimosis|phimosis]] - A long term prospective study]. ''Acta Paediatr''. 2011 Nov 21. [Epub ahead of print]</ref>
Should those therapies not yield the desired outcomes, there is a surgical option, namely a preputioplasty.

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