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Illinois - Judge says no to circumcision

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{{Construction Site}}'''Illinois: Judge Says No to Circumcision for Boy''' is the headline used by the ''New York Times'' on 25 October 2006 for a report on the historic, precedent-setting Schmidt v. Niznik case in Chicago, Illinois in which the court prohibited the [[circumcision]] of a boy until he is old enough to decide for himself.
'''Illinois: Judge Says No to Circumcision The case represented a victory for Boy''' is the headline used by the ''New York Times'' on 25 October 2006 for a report on the historic Schmidt v[[genital autonomy movement]]. Niznik  The case in Chicago, Illinois in which the court prohibited the circumcision of boy until he is old enough to decide for himselfgenerate substantial media comment.
|quote=The judge, Jordan Kaplan of Circuit Court in Cook County, said that the procedure was “an extraordinary medical procedure” for a 9-year-old and that the boy could decide for himself when he turned 18.

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